
65 5 13

Ciara's POV;

I place the cake on a plate and smile at what me and Harry accomplished.

I bring it out to show Harry and my dad, when I see someone standing at the door.

My hands start to shake and the cake falls out of them.

"Hi honey, oh dear you seemed to have dropped your cake." The man says.

"Z-Zayn? W-what - H-" I start to say before I'm interrupted.

"How did I escape? Well that was easy if I'm honest. Did you get the letter I sent? The 'special friend' I was referring to was me. I'm out here now and I want to kill someone quite frankly.

Harry runs and stands in front of me.

"Well you stay the fuck away from Ciara." He growls.

"Aw cute." Zayn laughs.

I see Harry walk up to him as if he's going to knock him out when my dad speaks up.

"Harry stop, don't do anything stupid. He's got a gun, one hit in the wrong place will kill you." He says, and Harry backs away. "Just protect Ciara."

Harry stands back in front of me and holds my hand.

"Aw, daddy's sticking up for you, gosh this family is adorable." He smirks, but it wasn't a sexy smirk, it was a sick psychotic smirk.

"Listen you fucked up prick, you have 2 options. We can deal with this the easy way, meaning I call the police and they come deal with your stupid ass, or I just fucking throw you out myself you useless shit head." Dad spits at him.

"Well the police are already looking for me anyway, which means they should find me pretty soon, so if you could just subtract yourself out of this complicated equation, that would be much appreciated. I just wanted to teach Ciara a lesson." He sneers.

"What lesson?" I ask.

"Not to mess with me. You see Ciara, I gave you multiple chances. I saw the way you looked at Harry when you were with me and I chose to ignore it because you were mine. You have to learn that once you're mine, you're only mine. When you caught me cheating on you, you could have just forgot about it, but instead you went jumping in to bed with Harry. You see the moral of this story baby, is that if I can't have you, no one can. So I have no choice but to kill the one you love."
He says with an evil glint in his eye.

He points the gun at Harry, when someone crashes through the door and grabs Zayn.

A gunshot pierces through my ears and makes me drop to the floor and screw my eyes shut with fear.

I hear screams and gradually open my eyes to see him lying there.

Tears stream down my face as I throw myself at him.

"DAD!" I scream.

"Dad come on get up!" I cry.

"Just know the bullet was meant for Harry but these dick munchers ruined it!" I hear Zayn shout.

If I wasn't too busy crying over my dad I would be out there grabbing that gun and killing him.

"Ciara-" My dad says.

"Shh dad it's okay, don't strain yourself." I say.

Some paramedics come and lift dad onto a gurney.

"Can you make your way to the hospital?" They ask me and I nod.


5 hours.

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