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Watch this YouTube video if you haven't already seen it, it's the cutest/funniest thing ever and I just love him way too much XD


Ciara's POV;

It was quite late when we got in, so me and Harry tried to sneak in so the others didn't bombard us with questions.

"Don't let the door slam!" Harry whisper shouts at me.

I roll my eyes and close the door carefully.

"Now we have to be quiet or the others will hear us." Harry whispers.

"Really? I didn't know that." I answered sarcastically.

We walk as quietly and as quickly as we can, until someone fucks up.

Harry trips over a bin, tries to grab onto me and ends up pulling me down with him.

"Harry what the fuck!" I whisper shout at him.

He's laying on the floor and I've landed on top of him.

"Well who puts a bloody bin there?!" He whisper shouts back.

I can't help but laugh at him because he's so silly.

"Are you laughing at me?" He murmurs.

"Maybe." I reply and he raises his eyebrow.

Just then the light switch goes on, and I see Niall standing there smirking.

"Oh, sorry, am I interrupting anything?" He smirks.

I quickly jump off Harry and stand up.

"No, um we were just - um Harry tripped over this bin and pulled me down with him." I say and even though it was the truth, it sounded very much like a lie.

"Sureeeee." Niall says, clearly unconvinced.

I look down to see Harry just lying there still.

"Are you gonna get up?" I ask him.

"Oh erm, yeah." He replies and stands up.

"It's true, I did trip over this stupid bin." Harry tells Niall, but Niall still doesn't look convinced.

"Okay lovebirds, well you can tell me all about your 'bin tripping' in the morning, because I'm tired so I'm going back to bed. Be safe and wear protection." He smirks before leaving.

"You're an idiot." I tell Harry.

"Well seriously though, who does put a bin there?!" He says, still complaining about the bin.

I can't help but giggle again.

"Why are you laughing this time?" He pouts.

"Because you're still complaining about the bin Harry."

"Meanie." Harry sticks his tongue out at me, then walks to the bedroom.

I roll my eyes and follow him to the bedroom.

I close the door behind me and I see Harry start stripping.

I know I've seen his body, but I just can't help but look.

His body is a work of art.

He strips down into his boxers, then lays on the bed without saying anything.

"Harry?" I say, but he doesn't answer me.

I roll my eyes again, and quickly get dressed into one of his t-shirts that I found on the floor.

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