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Ciara's POV;

It's been a week since Harry decided to get me back for splashing him with water, and this was our last full day in Ibiza.

I was happy because I really missed my dad, but sad because I've made so many memories and good friends here.

Calvin stayed with us for the remainder of the week because he was basically a part of our group now. I was so going to miss him when we left.

I leave my bed and enter the kitchen where everyone else is.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Harry says and kisses me on the forehead.

"Morning Harry." I smile at him in return.

"Soooo I was thinking we could go to a party tonight as it's our last night here." Ruby voices.

"A party? The last one we went to didn't go so well." I cringe at the memory.

"No, not like a club party, tell them Calvin." Ruby edges Calvin on.

"Well, Jonathan is having a formal party tonight, and he invited us all to go." He tells us.

Jonathan is the guy Calvin is dating, I've met him a few times and he's really lovely. They're so different from each other and it's honestly adorable.

"Ooh is it like one of those posh formal parties?" Lydia asks.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that, you know what Jonathan's like." He laughs.

"Okay, I'm in." I say and everyone agrees.


We arrived at the party, and when Calvin told us Jonathan lived in a big house, I didn't think he meant a mansion!

It was huge!

We stepped out our truck, which honestly looked so out of place here, and walked up to the front door.

"Wow, looks like your boyfriends a prince who lives in a fucking palace!" Lola exclaims.

"Shhh, don't curse Lola!" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

Just then, the door opens and Jonathan appears.

"Jonathan!" Calvin squeals and hugs him before kissing him.

"Hello everyone! Come in!" He gestures us in.

Inside his house was breathtaking.

The floor was marble, and it was so shiny I could see my face in it!

There was a big staircase which led up to a landing and I'm assuming that's not the only floor they have in this house.

"Come through to the ball room!" He smiles and leads us through.

There was already a lot of people here, and they all looked so fancy.

Granted, I did my best to look like I fit in, but I looked like shit compared to everyone else.

In the ballroom, there was a huge glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a long table with food on it, set out at the left hand side of the room.

There was music playing in the background, and it was beautiful violin music.

But it didn't end there.

The party went on outside, through the French doors.

The grass was all neatly mowed, and there was a stone  fountain in the middle.

There were also a few tables set around the garden, and beautiful fairy lights were set around the garden.

"This is mesmerising." I say.

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