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Ciara's POV;

Ugh chemistry. I hate it. I don't even understand any of it. Like what the hell is a hydrocarbon? Am I really going to use any of it in my life anyway?

"You're going to need to buddy up for this experiment." Mr Smith drones on.

I look at Lola, but she's already sitting next to Kane.

Well thanks Lo.

A girl named Emily who is in my class, and I get on with, asks me if I want to buddy up with her.

"I'd love to Em-" I start to say before I'm rudely interrupted.

"You're going with me." I hear a familiar voice say and I turn around to meet a pair of blazing emerald eyes.

"Um, you can't tell me what to do." I say and his expression softens.

"Please Ciara." He pleads and I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I give in and he smiles.

"Sorry Emily." I turn around and give her an apologetic smile before walking away.

I grab all the equipment being as Harry didn't, and I lay it down on the desk.

"Are you not going to help at all?" I ask Harry.

"Not really. I wanted to talk to you." He says and I sigh.

"Talk then." I say and start doing the experiment.

"I'm sorry for coming to your house yesterday." He says and I don't bother looking up.

"How did you even know where I lived anyway?" I ask.

"I followed you home." He simply says, and I stop what I'm doing to look up at him.

"That's so weird." I say uneasy.

"I am weird." He shrugs.

What the fuck?

Why would he follow me home? That's not normal.

For some reason I'm mad. I'm not mad at the fact that he followed me home, I'm mad at the fact that he's so confusing. No matter how hard I try, he won't let me figure him out, and I've just about had enough of it.

"No. You don't get to just shrug that off Harry. You don't get to just randomly come into my life and decide to mess with my head. That's not how this works. You confuse the fuck out of me, and quite frankly I've had enough of it. You either want to be friends with me, or you don't." I finish saying, and his forest green eyes pierce into my plain brown ones.

"Of course I want to be friends with you." Is all he says.

"So why are you so confusing? You ask me questions, then when I do the same, you blow up on me? You stalk me home, and just randomly appear? None of it makes sense." I raise my voice.

"That's just it Ciara, I don't make sense." He whispers, and I completely flip.

"Oh here you go again with the confusing riddles. Forget it, I'm done with your weird mind games." I spit at him, and I pace it out of the classroom.

I hear Lola call after me, but I carry on walking. I need some fresh air.


"Girls, come sit over here with us!" I hear Zayn shout at me, Lola and Lydia.

"Ooh lover boy wants you to join him for lunch." Lola whispers in my ear whilst nudging me.

"Oh sh you." I swat her arm and she giggles.

Oh great. Harry's with them.

We make our way over to the guys, and I take the seat in between Zayn and Louis, whilst Lola and Lydia obviously sit next to Niall and Liam.

Zayn notices my sad expression almost immediately.

"What's wrong love?" He asks me.

"Just sick of people playing mind games with me." I raise my voice to make sure Harry hears me.

"You know what guys, I'm gonna go get some fresh air, I'll see you later." Harry mumbles, and within minutes, he's gone.

"Is it something to do with a certain curly haired boy?" Zayn asks me and I nod.

"Don't worry about him babe, I told you, you need to stay cautious of him, he's dangerous." Zayn says and my eyes widen.

Dangerous? How?

Just then, I hear Louis laugh next to me.

"Harold dangerous? My Harold wouldn't hurt a fly. You do what's best for you Ciara. If you're arguing with Harry and it's making you sad, do something about it. Don't let anyone tell you what to do." He smiles warmly at me, and I notice Zayn glaring at him.

"Thank you Lou." I smile back.

Maybe he's right.


"Alright, well I'll see you two later!" I say to Lola and Lydia as they leave my house.

They came over to mine after school so we could have our girly gossip time.

Sounds so childish, I know, but I actually really enjoy our gossiping times.

Just then, my phone vibrates.

From; Lo x

Just seen a black SUV, turning into your road, I also saw a familiar curly haired boy driving it, just warning you x

I groan before throwing my phone on my bed.

I hear a knock on the door, and I think of locking myself in the bathroom, but I decide against it.

"Ciara!" I hear my dad yell.

"For fucks sake." I whisper curse.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I walk downstairs and my eyes meet the most confusing person I've ever met.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"Well, I came here to ask permission from your dad to take you out." He says and my eyes widen, and I mentally choke on air.

Take me out? Oh lord no.

Please dad, have some sense and say no.

"Well, I'm not sure that's a good idea, I've got homework to do." I lie.

"Don't be silly Ciara, you've done that remember? Lydia helped you when she came over earlier." My dad says and I mentally strangle him.

He's so dumb at times. I'm literally going to have to tell him a code word for when I'm in situations like these.

Harry raises his eyebrow at me, as if to say 'I know you're trying to get out of this'.

"Yeh Ciara, you've done it. So Mr Leigh, can I take your daughter out please?" He asks my dad.

"Hmm, well you haven't known each other for very long." He says.

"That's right dad, we haven't." I say and Harry raises his eyebrow again.

"But, I respect that you asked my permission. I'm sure Ciara would love to go out, so I'll allow it. Just don't have her back late." My dad says and Harry grins at me as if to say 'haha, I win'.

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