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Ciara's POV;

"So he got all angry at you, then you just left?" Lydia asks me.

"Yep, that's exactly what happened." I replied.

"I told you he's a bit - sort of - erm different I guess." She manages to say.

"I think he's into you." Lola says and I laugh.

"No seriously, I think he likes you." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"And just how do you know that?" I ask her.

"I just do." She smirks.

"Okay Lo, whatever you say." I smirk back.

Just then, Zayn walks over to us.

"Ladies." He smirks.

"Hey Zayn." We all say in unison.

"Listen, I was wondering if you all wanted to go out with me and the rest of the guys again tonight? It was fun last time, and plus Niall wants to see you Lola, and Liam wants to see you Lydia." He finishes saying, and I see Lola and Lydia's face light up.

"I bet Harry wants to see you again." Lola nudges me and smirks.

"Well, actually, I kind of wanted to see you again Ciara." He smiles.

"Awh, well we would love to come out tonight." I smile.

"Great. Well I'll get Niall to pick you up Lola, and I'll get Liam to pick you up Lydia, and I'll pick you up if you want Ciara?" He asks.

"Yeah, okay, sounds fab." I beam.

"Yeh, that sounds sick." Lola says and I mentally cringe at her choice of words.

"Great, we'll see you girls later." He says before walking away.

"Well, it looks as if Harry and Zayn have a little crush on you." Lola winks, and I roll my eyes.

"Neither of them have a crush on me Lo. Now let's get to class before we're all late." I say and drag them both.


The day's flown by so quickly, it's already last period.

My last lesson is Chemistry, and I hate Chemistry with a passion.

I can't seem to concentrate on anything my teacher is saying.

My mind keeps wandering off to Harry.

Speaking of Harry, where is he? He's usually in this class.

I know I've only known him for a very short amount of time, but he's just so mysterious, and I want to figure him out, he just won't let me.

"️Miss Leigh are you listening to me?" Mr Smith asks me.

"Erm, yeh sorry Mr Smith, can I go to the loo please?" I ask, I don't really need the toilet I just need some air.

"If you must." He sighs.

I get up out of my seat and exit the class.

I usually do this, ask to go to the toilet and then walk around the school for 5 or 10 minutes.

I know I shouldn't, but I just need to clear my mind so I can concentrate.

Suddenly, a pair of large hands wrap around my mouth and drag me into the janitors closest.

I open my mouth to scream, when I see a familiar pair of green eyes staring back at me.

"Harry? What the fuck? You can't just do that!" I whisper shout at him, as I don't want to be too loud because we'll both get caught bunking off.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know how else to talk to you." He simply says and I raise my eyebrow.

"Seriously? How about just dropping me a text or maybe even a call like normal people do, instead of shoving me in a cupboard?" I say and he laughs.

"I heard Zayn invited you and the girls to hang out with us again." He says and his gaze drops to the ground.

"He did indeed. He said he wanted to see me again." I tell him and his head snaps up.

"He said that?" He raises his voice a little bit.

"Yeh, is there something wrong?" I ask confused as fuck.

"No, no, nothings wrong." His eyes are fully focused on mine.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you last night, I just don't like people getting involved in my business." He says apologetically.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have been snooping around." I say and he nods.

His pure green eyes bore into mine, and we stand in silence for a short amount of time before I finally say something.

"So, erm, are you going to let me out?" I say awkwardly and point at the door he's blocking.

"Oh, right, yeah sorry. Well erm, I'll probably see you tonight yeah?" He says and I nod.

"See you later Harry." I say before walking away from him.


"I've decided he definitely is bi-polar." I say to Lydia and Lola.

After I got home I decided to Oovoo them both to tell them about Harry.

"I told you." Lydia says.

"Dammit, didn't you guys kiss or anything?" Lola says disappointed.

"Lola! I've only known him for a few days." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"I got off with Niall the day I met him." She simply says.

"That's because you're a whore." Lydia says and Lola smirks.

"True." She admits.

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