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Ciara's POV;

I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating.

I don't bother to check the caller ID, and just answer the phone. I have a habit of doing that.

"What?" I say, tired.

"You better not still be in bed! You're meant to come over to we can walk to work together!" I hear my lovely best friend shout at me.

"I'm up, I'll be there in ten Lo." I say, trying to put on a cheerier tone.

"You better be." She says and hangs up.


I drag myself out of bed and jump in the shower.

I have to cut my shower extremely short because Lola will skin me alive if I take any longer.

I was supposed to be at hers an hour ago, so we could all have a gossip about what happened last night.

It's quite warm outside, so I slip on a pair of denim shorts, and a black crop top.

I decide to just put my hair up in a messy bun because I can't be bothered to do anything with it.

I put a little bit of makeup on and make my way downstairs.

I walk straight over to the fridge to get my iced tea out the fridge, when I see a little note on the fridge door.

Had to go to work early, have fun at work, love Dad x

I smile at the note and shut the fridge door.

I get my keys and my phone, and lock the front door.

I hop into my car, and put my phone on shuffle.


"About time!" Lola screams at me when she opens her front door.

"I'm sorry, I need my beauty sleep." I grin.

"Pfft whatever. Get your ass in here." She says, and I walk past her.

I walk straight to her room and see Lydia sitting there.

"Hey Lyds." I say and hug her.

"Hey." She replies and hugs me back.

"What's up Lydia?" I ask her as she seems down.

"It's Brent." She sighs.

"What's he done?" I grit my teeth.

Lydia looks at Lola as if to say 'you tell her.'

"That asshole asked Sarah in the year above out." She said, clearly annoyed.

"Slutty Sarah?" I ask and Lola nods.

"What a dick. He knew you liked him." I clench my fists.

"Yeah, and he told me he liked me." She says.

"Thank fuck you didn't do anything with him." I say.

"Anyway, tell Ciara the good news." Lola grins, and Lydia looks up and blushes.

"Well, when we went paint balling yesterday, me and Liam really got on well together, and we have a lot in common." She smiles.

"Aw, that's really good Lydia! You pulled." I winked at her.

"Oh shh." She blushes more and swats my arm.

"Tell her your good news Lo." Lydia says and Lola smirks.

"Oh god, do i really wanna know?" I grin.

"I made out with Niall." She smirks.

"You whore!" I grin and she laughs.

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