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Ciara's POV;

"That looks so nice on you Lydia!" I exclaim.

We've been shopping for half an hour now, and surprisingly, the boys aren't bored.

Lydia wanted a new dress, so she's been trying on a few, and she's finally found the one she likes.

"Get that one babe, you look gorgeous in it." Liam tells her and she blushes.

I walk over to the underwear section, because I actually could do with some new underwear.

I run my fingers along some of the cotton.

"I think you should get that one." I hear a soft voice breathe in my ear.

I turn to see Zayn standing behind me.

"Oh really?" I smirk.

"Yes. I'll tell you what, I'll pick a few pairs out for you, and you have to buy them, unless you absolutely hate them of course." He smirks.

"Go for it." I reply.

"You pick them out, I'm just going round the other side to see what bras they have." I tell him and he nods whilst smirking.

He has such a dirty mind.

I walk round the other side and look at the bras.

I pick out a black lace one, and check the size.

"That would look sexy on you." I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

"Hello Harold." I say.

I've gotten used to his pervy comments and usually I choose to ignore them because I'm with Zayn.

"Here, this is in your size." He says and hands me a really cute pink bra.

"Oh thanks." I say and study it.

Wait a second, how does he know my bra size?

"Um, Harry, may I ask how you know my bra size?" I question him and he smirks.

"Went through your underwear drawer last night when you were clearing your stuff out the bathroom." He simply replies and I feel my mouth drop open.

"Harry!" I try to be angry but I find it hilarious that, that is how he amuses himself.

"You're like a child who can't sit still." I giggle and he smirks.

"Trust me though, this one would look fucking hot on you." He whispers in my ear before walking away.

Holy fuck.

I wish he'd stop doing that.

I put the 2 bras in my basket and walk round to where Zayn is.

"Here you go baby." He says and hands me the underwear he picked out.

He actually has really good taste in underwear, apart from one pair that was bright pink and looked like something a drunk prostitute would wear.

"I'll buy them all apart from this." I say and hand him back the pink one.

"Okay baby." He smirks before putting it back.

"Ciara!" Lola shouts at me.

"Yes Lo?" I reply.

"Does this look okay?" She asks.

She's wearing a pair of blue ripped denim shorts, and a white lace crop top.

"Um duh you look hot." I grin. "But why the sudden urge to buy shorts and a crop top?" I ask and she grins.

"No reason. Well there is a reason, but you'll find out soon. In the meantime I suggest you go buy some summer clothes, ooh and bikinis." She tells me and I give her a strange look.

"Wh-" I start to say but she interrupts me.

"Don't question it, just do as I say peasant." She says and I giggle.

I mean, my birthday is coming up so maybe we're going to the beach or something?

"Guys, come here." She shouts at the guys and Lydia, and they all come over.

"Right, let's all split up, do what we need to do, then meet back at costa for food, yeah?" She asks.

"Sounds good." Louis replies.

"Right, me and Niall are gonna go look at the sweetshop, in a bit. Lola says and they both disappear.

"Me and Lydia are going to have a look round and see if anything catches our eye." Liam says and they both also disappear.

"Louis wanted to show me some football things babe, so you can come with if you want, but I don't think it will interest you a lot." Zayn says to me.

"Nah, it's okay babe, I need to shop for summer clothes apparently." I say and he smirks.

"Oh yeah, you do."

"Wait, do you all know what this is for as well?" I ask them.

"Um, maybe." Louis replies. "But we're not telling you because it's a surprise so just go with the flow princess."

"Meanie." I say and stick my tongue out at Louis.

"So childish." He says and I laugh.

"It's okay Zayn, I'll stick with Ciara." Harry speaks up.

"Okay, cheers mate." Zayn says and pats him on the back before walking away.

"Mate?" I say, confused.

"Yeh, we're sorted now." Harry smiles.

"Oh good." I smile back.

"You don't have to stick with me if you don't want to though because you might get bored." I tell him.

"Don't worry babe, I'll give you fashion advice." He says in a gay voice which makes me laugh.

"Okay Gok Wan, let's go." I smirk.


"So what did you get?" Lydia asks me.

"I got 3 bikinis, 2 pairs of shorts, a pair of flip flops and 4 crop tops, along with some underwear." I tell her. "What about you?"

"Not much, just that dress and a pair of shorts." She tells me and I nod.

"Well me and Niall got a ton of candy." Lola says and we all laugh.

"Well, we better go, the film starts in half an hour." Louis says and we all agree with him.

"Did you drive here babe?" Zayn asks me.

"No, Harry took me." I reply.

"Oh okay, well I'll take you to the cinema then." He tells me and I nod.

"See you in all in a bit." Lola says as she jumps on Niall's back and he gives her a piggyback to her car.

"Wait for us you two!" Liam and Lydia shout and run after Niall&Lola.

"Harold, you're taking me." Louis tells him and he smirks.

"Nah, you can walk Tommo." He tells him and Louis raises his eyebrows.

"Don't make me spank your pretty ass Harry." He smirks and I laugh.

You know I said Harry was crazy? Correction, I think they're all crazy.

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