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A/N; I would just like to state that I started writing this before Zayn left the band, so I am in no way making him the bad guy just because he left One Direction, I started writing this story way before he left. I just thought I would put that out there:)also this chapter is unedited once again😂

Ciara's POV;

"So you had fun then?" Dad asks me.

"Yeh it was alright." I simply say.

I'm still trying to work out why Harry seemed so weird. I really don't understand him.

"Ciara?" My dad asks.

"Sorry, what?" I apologise for not listening to him.

"I asked if you were hungry." He says and I shake my head.

"Are you okay Ciara?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine dad." I lie.

I'm not fine at all. This boy walked into my life by accident, and now I can't seem to stop thinking about him.

All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door, which makes me jump.

"I'll get it, will you be a sweetheart and make your old man a cup of tea?" My dad asks and I giggle.

"Of course dad." I say and saunter over to the kettle.

I flick the kettle on, and then I hear something on the TV.


I rush over to the TV and turn it up.

"SUGAR, YES PLEASE, WONT YOU COME AND PUT IT DOWN ON ME!" I sing rather loudly and start to sway my hips to the music.

I absolutely love Adam Levine.

"Ahem." I hear my dad cough and I turn around to see a wonderful sight.

Harry is standing next to my father and he has a huge smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh um hi Harry." I say and feel my cheeks burn. He must have remembered where I live.

"Hello Ciara." He smiles. He seems to be in a better mood than he was earlier.

"I just wanted to stop by and talk to you." He says plainly.

"Oh okay." I say, rather confused.

"Well, we're going to go upstairs dad." I say and my dad raises an eyebrow.

"Keep the door open." He says and I roll my eyes.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Mr Leigh." Harry says politely.

"Likewise Harry." My dad slightly smiles at him.

I walk up the stairs and Harry follows me.

We enter my room and I shut the door quietly.

"Your dad told you to keep the door open?" Harry says, confused.

"He never checks in on me, it's fine." I reassure him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask and he smirks.

"Well first of all, I would like to say that your singing is lovely, and your dancing is even better." He grins.

"Well thank you." I grin back.

"So, the real reason you came here?" I ask.

His smile drops and his serious face is back.

"Why did you let Zayn hold you like that earlier?" He asks and I mentally choke on air, if that's even possible.

"Excuse me?" That is all I can say because I'm so shocked. He came all the way to my house to ask me one silly question.

"Why did you let Zayn hold you like that earlier?" He repeats.

"Like what?" I slightly raise my voice.

"He had his arm around you and his hand was on your hip." He says.

"Harry, he was showing me how to bowl properly." I say and he frowns.

"You see that's where you're wrong. You don't know Zayn like I do, I just don't want him to hurt you." He says, then he looks at the ground.

I am literally so confused.

"Harry, he was just showing me how to bowl, chill out." I smile at him.

Harry's POV;

I am such an idiot.

I mean, I did want to ask her that particular question, but that wasn't the reason I came here.

My plan was to come here and tell her everything.

Tell her about the bet. (A/N: This is nothing like After, so just because I mention a bet, please do not automatically think this is like after. And for those of you who haven't read After, go read it because it's so good!)

Tell her that I actually do know her.

And answer every question she has.

But i just can't seem to do it.

I can't lose her.

Think about it, you're going to lose her one way or another, you'll either lose her to Zayn, or you'll lose her because of who you are. My subconscious sneers at me.

"Harry, are you okay? You've been staring at the ground for a good few minutes now." She asks me.

I look up, and my eyes meet hers.

Her big beautiful brown eyes. I could easily get lost in them.

"Yeh, I'm fine, I was just thinking." I mumble.

"About what?" She asks.

"Nothing. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say so I guess I'll see you tommorow." I say and walk out before she can say anything.

I just can't face her when I'm like this.

I rush down the stairs and see her dad writing something down.

"Goodbye Mr Leigh, again, it was a pleasure meeting you." I smile at him.

"You too Harry. Have a safe journey home." He smiles back and I nod before leaving.

My mind is all over the place.

Ciara's POV;

My mind is all over the place.

Why is he such a confusing person?

He angers me because he never lets me know what he's thinking.

I can't believe I have let a boy who I barely know irritate me.

It irritates me because I want to know him.

I want to hear everything he has to say, and I most definitely want to hear his thoughts.

For the billionth time this week, I lay my head on my pillow, and dream of emerald eyes.

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