Chapter 12

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---Stan's pov---

"Hey Stanley!" Wendy said cheerfully.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, glancing at Kyle, who's staring at his lap.

"Oh not much, just s-" it all faded and I stared at Kyle. She continued to talk, but I couldn't hear a thing she said. I wanted to kiss Kyle again, "So I just wanted make sure you're okay with that... After all, it's kind of important to me," shit. I have no idea what she said.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," I say trying not to make her more upset than she already was.

She squealed, "Oh that's just great Stan! I'll tell him for you okay?"

Him? Him who? What did I just agree to? Before I could ask, Wendy hung up.

I looked over at Kyle, and he was staring at me like I was crazy. His eyes looked hurt.

He sighed, "I have homework to do, so I'm going home..." He said standing up. I reached out to stop him, "No, Stan. I have to go h-home!" He started running out the door. He grabbed his shoes, without putting them on and ran away.

What just happened??

---Kyle's pov---

I could hear Stan's whole phone call. I... I thought I meant more, but I guess that wasn't entirely true.

I understand though. I took things too far and he just likes Wendy better.

It's not hard to understand.

It just hurts, bad.

Really bad.

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