Chapter 6 - This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy!!

Start from the beginning

I ignored that.

"At the beginning would be good," I replied to his comment.

"Right, the beginning . . ."

"A few months before I left, I found something terrible out about my father. For a few years, he had been smuggling, and selling drugs behind my back. I was stupid, and hadn't noticed any of the signs. I thought my life was perfect, or at least . . . as perfect as it could get without a mum."

His voice broke towards the end. And I felt a surge of pity well up in my chest. Come to think about it . . . he had seemed distracted the last few months before he took off.

I shuffled closer to him, and put my arms around him. He gasped, surprised as I was at my action, before slowly hugging me back.

- Does this mean you've forgiven him then?

- I'm not sure. He still hasn't told me why he left.

- So why are you hugging someone if you're not sure that you hate them or not?

- I dunno. I didn't want to, it just happened . . .

- I know . . . it's weird!

"So why did you leave?" I whispered into his ear, still wanting to know the answer.

He pulled back hesitantly, and I saw a single tear fall down his cheek, before he hastily wiped it away.

"I didn't want to . . . please believe that I didn't want to!"

I looked into his eyes, and once again got lost in the deep pools. I wanted to believe him, but I wasn't sure if I could . . .

- Of course you can!

- But what if he's lying?

- Does he honestly look like he's lying? Seriously!! He was just crying on your shoulder for Christ's sake!

- I suppose . . .

- Of course you believe him! Now tell him that!!

"I believe you," I said, and his face lit up like a six year olds on Christmas. "But you still need to tell me why."

His face dropped a bit, but then set into a determined line. He took a deep breath, before blurting it out all at once.

"My dad got into trouble with his boss. He and his thugs came for him one night. They dragged us both out of bed, and then killed him in front of me. They laughed the whole time they did it. They left, and took me with them. There wasn't anything I could do. I tried fighting back, but they hit me in the head and knocked me out cold. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. All I know was that for 4 years after that, they used me as a bloody fuck machine! They raped me . . . again, and again, and again!!"

He was crying silently, tears of anger streaming down his face. I hugged him again, even tighter than before. I stroked the back of his head, trying to comfort him as he cried.

I felt hatred towards the people who did this. How could they do something so sickening!? I also hated myself for hating him all these years. I thought he had left me.

I thought my best friend had left me!! And I hated him for it!

- How could I even have thought that!?

- It wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself.

- But I should have known. He never would have done that.

- What else was there to think?? Everyone jumped to that conclusion.

- But he was my best friend. I should have known something was wrong!!

- It wasn't your fault!

"I escaped 2 years ago." He added, interrupting our conversation, speaking with a weird tone in his voice. It sounded hateful . . . and detached all at once.

It made him sound dangerous.

I looked down at the back of his head . . . at his straw coloured hair. He was in so much pain . . . and I wanted to make it feel better. I just didn't know how.

- So, you believe him then?

- Yes.

Aaron suddenly burst into tears . . . loud, uncontrollable sobs.

- What do I do!?

- Comfort him!

- How? I'm no good at this stuff!

- Any way you can . . .

"Thank you" I whispered, pulling him even tighter into the hug. "Thank you for trusting me with this."


sorry if its a bit disturbing . . . i just feel like it went that way, and had to write it like that . . .

This is my fate?!?! A crazy stepmother! A voice in my head! Just sign me up as crazy now!!!Where stories live. Discover now