"Oh yeah?" A smirk present on Chase's face.

I rolled my eyes. "We didn't do anything. We just hung out and slept. That's it."

He nodded. "Okay. Continue."

"Anyway, I had spent the night at her house, and I know you think this is creepy, but I watched her sleep. I admired her every single facial feature. From her lips and how her nose scrunches up sometimes in her sleep. Laying next to her with my arms around her, I realized I haven't done this with any girl, especially Kayla. And honestly, Anabelle is the only girl I want to do that with. She's different, Chase. I like how she's not like any two faced girl at our school. This girl right here, she's one of a kind."

"I'm glad you think so," Another voice chimed in.

Chase and I turned our attention to Lianne. Her head was resting on the window. I watched as she took off one headphone from her ear. I had no idea she was listening. I honestly thought she was listening to music.

Sneaky girl.

"Oh, I didn't know you were listening."

"If you're worried about me saying anything to Ana then don't. I'm not going to say anything. I promise."

I let out a small sigh of relief. If anything I wanted to be the one to tell her, not Lianne. "Okay good."

She turned her head in my direction. "Do you honestly feel that way towards her?"

I gave her small nod. "I do, and it's kind of scary because I've never felt this way about any girl before."

She looked down at her lap and sighed. "I just don't want her to get hurt again."

She turned her head back over to me. "Let's just say her first and last serious relationship ended horribly. She got her heart broken pretty bad, and it took her forever to heal from that relationship."

"What happened?" I questioned, my voice soft. Just the thought of anyone hurting her made me mad. Who would hurt her? She's amazing.

"Sean, I would tell you but I can't. It's not my place to tell, it's hers. And if she wants to tell you, she will."

I sighed in defeat. "Okay."

"Students! We have arrived in Tampa but it'll take us at least twenty more minutes to get to the hotel. So sit tight."

What a relief. I wanted to get off this bus already. These bus seats are not comfortable whatsoever. They make my butt hurt.

I looked back down at Anabelle. "Should I wake her up?"

"Yeah, it'll give her time to gather her stuff," Lianne answered.

"Anabelle, wake up," I whispered into her ear, gently tapping her shoulder. She groaned. "I don't want to," She whined.

I chuckled lightly. "C'mon sleeping beauty. We're already in Tampa."

She lifted up her head, looking at me and then at her surroundings. "Is that Downtown?" She questioned, pointing to all the tall buildings. "I believe so," I answered.

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