Chapter Fourteen Part One

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Chapter Fourteen- Part One

I coughed, my head pounding with each harsh exhale. After picking Kat up last night I began to feel the side affects of a hang over.

"Lyrical?" Kat popped her head inside my bedroom door.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I brought you an apple." She replied, walking more into the room.

"Thanks." I rubbed my forehead.

She brought the apple over. I ate in silence, the juices dripping down my chin.  Kit Kat fiddled with her hair, seeming to be in deep thought. 

"What are best friends for?" She smiled back.

Kat laid down beside me, getting comfortable.

"So..." I extended the o's, "What happened with you last night?"

She frowned, shifting awkwardly, "What do you mean?" She looked anywhere but at me.

"Tell me." I nudged.

She shook her head, signaling she honestly didn't want to talk about it.

"What are best friends for?" I whispered dishing out her words.

"Not cool." She rolled her eyes.

I laughed, "Come on. What else could I have said to get you talking?"

She sighed clearly annoyed, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Katherina Mendoza if something bad happened last night you better tell me." I crossed my arms.

"Nothing," She groaned "It wasn't bad but more like a aftermath of feelings."

I gave her an understand look, "Why won't you just tell him? Why don't you just let yourself feel those feelings you try so hard not to?"

She sat up, sitting 'Indian' style. "Because I'm not that type of woman."

I wanted to laugh at her stubbornness, "You are that type of woman. You just deny yourself of it."

"Less yapping." She pouted.

I laughed at her, "Fine fine."

"Girls?" Justin poked his head in the doorway.

"What?" Kat groaned annoyed.

"Lyrical you have company." His voice coated with distaste.

"Who is it?" I coçked my head to the side.

"Ashton." His eyes narrowed.

"How the hell does he know where you live?" Kat snapped, jumping off my bed.

"We've hung out a couple of times." I chased after her.

She stormed out of the room, a furry of anger radiating off her.

"Shits about to get real." Justin mumbled.

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