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"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said to Seth and I. Seth really cleaned up nice when he wanted to. He came in and kissed me, passionately. Everyone stood and clapped. Sky was my matron of honor and Max was Seth's best man. That day was the best day of my life. After the party, Seth and I were honeymooning on the same island that Max and Sky had stayed.

The party was over and Seth had our bags packed. "You two be careful," Max said hugging Seth. "That island is supposed to be abandoned, but Sky and I have found a few people here and there."

"You two worry too much. Take care of those kids," Seth said and winked.


"I can't believe we're finally married!" Mindy squealed. She was acting like a little child on Christmas. It was so cute.

"You ready for the best couple of weeks of your life?" I asked rubbing her thigh as I drove toward the sea.

She smiled and came over to kiss me on my cheek. Mindy was such a sweetheart.

"What do you think about kids?" I asked in a small voice. I wasn't sure what to expect from her. We never discussed children, but I wanted to have them around.

She looked at me, almost suspiciously, with a smile.


Sky and I have been married for fifteen years. Our kids, Manny and Clyde, were five and six and they were just starting school. Having them not turn into dragons all of a sudden was slightly difficult, but it wasn't impossible. Sky and I decided to send them to a public school for humans. We thought that if we raised them with humans, they would have a better life than Sky or Seth had. It was for the best.

"What's your thoughts of a smaller house?" Sky asked me.

"I think the castle is perfect. Why do you think we need something smaller?" I asked her as I wrapped my arms around her stomach.

She smiled a little. "Seth and Mindy aren't going to live with us forever. The kids and us don't need this much space and there are too many bad memories here. Don't you think?"

I thought for a moment. "Maybe. I like the thought of moving in a smaller house, but what about dragons?'

"We can still easily rule, sweetie. Our kids might be safer there too."

"What about teaching them-"

"We'd still be in the country and we'd be plenty far from humans. The kids could use their powers and fly as much as they want!"

"I think it would be great to get out of this castle and into our own house."

I kissed her and I felt like I was flying. It was just her and I in this world. Nothing matter.

"Let's get looking for that house," I smiled, kissed her forehead and we made our way to our computer to find the perfect house for my perfect family.


"Mommy! Can we please go out and fly around! We've been confined in this house for days!" Manny ran down the stairs and he came up to me.

I felt terrible, but I had to turn down the little boy. "Manny, you know it's not safe, I've told you before." I said kneeling down to his size. He didn't have the size that Seth and I did when we were to his age. Manny was smaller, unlike Clyde. Clyde was younger, but he had more height than Manny. I found it cute.

"We just want to fly, mommy..." He gave me sad eyes

"I know you do, my little flying machine, but I can't risk sending you and Clyde out there on your own." I gave him a smile.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's go and find your brother and let's try and get you down for your nap."

"But, Mommy-"

"Manny, no."


"How about a story for you and Clyde?"

"A story?"

"Yeah, how Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Seth and Aunt Mindy saved the world. You and Clyde want to hear it?"


I went to my other son and Maxim came in with me. We told them our story of how we saved the dragon and human world.

"When I was your age, Seth and I started our terrible and amazing lives in a house that this little family may be moving into. We watched each other grow and helped each other..."

*****That's all for this story! Please, pass it around wattpad! Also, please, vote and comment!!! Thank you for staying with me for all this time!!! Check out my Survival Island story!!! ;)

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