Chapter 17 Sky

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Finding the camp was hard. It was a small cleared area in a thick forest. The camp would be impossible to find.

It was getting dark now and I needed my needed my rest if I were to find my brother and his princess.

Finally, I found a nice place to settle. It was a very small opening, but it was big enough for me to relax for a night. The grass was green and the trees were tall, so that was enough for me.

I was exhausted, but sleeping was so hard. So much had happened in the past week! I found a dragon, I switched schools, I was attacked by another dragon, Seth was not dead, Maxim came back to me, I had lost Maxim, I hurt Seth, I ran away, captured by Zane, and saved by my enemy. How did this happen?

Why was I chosen for this curse? Why couldn't I be a regular dragon, or, better yet, a normal human?

I hate life.

Eventually, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The last thing I my mind was how hungry I was.


I awoke the next day to my stomach rumbling. Before I went to find the campsite, I'd need to find food. I had to find my backpack. That was filled with foods I could eat! Only...if I had it.

I sighed and decided to start flying again. Seth and Mindy couldn't be that far away.

After what felt like forever, I was almost positive I had found the campfire 10 miles in the distance. I flew faster to apologize to my brother and his girlfriend.

When I got to the camp, Seth was gone, but ...Mindy was there. She...she...Mindy was dead...this cycle of royal dragons were gone. I couldn't kill Zane now. The next queen would have to...

No one was here. It was completely silent. I had no one now. My brother left, Max hated my guts, and Mindy was dead. I was officially alone. I always was alone. Deep down I knew I was. I had no one and I never would.

What was I supposed to do now? I had no future... There is one thing I could do...was it right though? Yes. Its right because the only thing I can do. I have nothing to look forward to, except for death. And that is what I will do. Zane can control forever. I don't care anymore.

I had a new mission. Find a human, and use their blood to commit suicide.

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