Chapter 8

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I looked out my bedroom window and saw a family moving in next door. There was a man, a woman, and two children. One looked about 16 or 17. The other looked about 11 or 12. He was much older than me, but I was desperate to get away from my parents. I watched them carry boxes in and I was amazed at how the little boy could carry so many large boxes in at a time. He had jet black hair. It might have been darker than mine to be honest. The family looked nice from what I could see, but my parents told me to keep my distance because I was so different from regular people and regular dragons. Being me, I didn't listen.

The kid had stopped and looked to the worn down house next door. He saw me looking out the window and waved with a half smile on his face. I smiled ear to ear and waved back. Then, his mom called him and he took off into his house.

That very night, I snuck out of bedroom window and soared down to the ground with ease. Electricity ran through my veins hotter than I had ever experienced at the time due to excitement. Kids had never been around me because of my parents. They would keep me inside and forced me to work around the house.

I had to find this kid's window so I could sneak him out with me. I followed the sweet smell of a friend. It actually smelled like my younger brother, but I didn't question it at the time.

"Pssst." I whispered up to my neighbor's window. "Pssst."

Suddenly, the light turned on and I hid in the bushes to make sure it was that kid that I had seen looking at me and not his parents or his older brother. Not bad for a five year old, right?

He opened his window and looked out. That kid looked so much older than me. Maybe I should just forget it and go back home.

No. I want a friend. I will have a friend.

"Come out here, please?" I whispered. "I just want to talk."

He didn't say anything.


Then, he whispered, "Hi."

"Will you come out here?"

"I have no idea who you are and if I can trust you."

I took a deep breath and walked out from the bushes.

"This is you?" he asked slightly chuckling.

"Please? I just want a friend." I put my head down.

"Alright, I'm coming down."

I could hear the smile in his voice. I looked up with a smile on my face. This kid was actually going to come outside and talk to me! Maybe I really could make a friend.

After about five minutes, the kid literally jumped out of his second floor window onto the ground; without a scratch on him. I looked up at him in awe. He was about a foot taller than me. He had grey eyes with a tint of red in them. His jacket was also grey and his hood was on the tippy top of his head. The black hair was somewhat short, but it fit him pretty well.

My mouth hung open in amazement. He was really strong if he could jump out of a window without a bone broken.

We started walking into the woods behind his house. I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't think I was going to get this far and if I did, he wouldn't have come with me.

"My name is Maxim," he said looking to the ground, "but you can call me Max."

I wasn't sure if I should tell him my real name or my nickname. "I'm Skylar, but don't you dare call me that or I'll break your neck. Call me Sky." That sounded threatening enough, right?

"Wow, I thought you were trying to make a friend." He laughed.

I didn't know what to say.

"You're threatening for a four year old?"

"I'm five." I whispered.

He stopped and knelt down to the ground so I could truly see his face. He was really pale compared to any human that I had ever seen.

"Look at me, Sky." He smiled as I looked into his eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you think. You said that you wanted a friend and I'm here, but we're pretty different in age don't you think?"

Well duh. What does age have to do with anything?!

I nodded. "I'll get along with anyone though. I always have when I've had the chance."

"Alright, I'll give you a chance. I'm 11 years old. You said you were five?"


"How about you come over tomorrow when we can and we can go for a walk in the woods together. How does that sound?"

That sounds wonderful, except for one problem.

"Not good." I barely said.

"Why not? Are you busy tomorrow?" he asked with hope still in his voice.

"I'm busy everyday from morning to night. My parents force my little brother and I to work all day while they lay around and..." I didn't want to say what they did. They just wanted a human baby. Let's just keep it at that.

"Oh, what if I come get you? I can ask my mom to go to your house and see if you want to go for a walk in the woods."

"Or I could just sneak out and do my work at night." I smiled.

"I'll just come and knock on your door tomorrow, okay?"

I smiled again and he lifted me up on his shoulder as we walked back to the opening between our houses. We said our goodbyes and walked our separate ways. As soon as I got around the side of the house that no one could see, I changed into a dragon and roared as loud as I could. My parents would not hear me, but I knew Seth would so I quickly flew into my room and fell asleep in my bed before anyone could wonder what I was up to all night.


The next day was amazing. Max and I went into the woods and explored every inch from morning to night. My parents weren't happy with me, but they couldn't knock me off cloud nine for anything at the time. I laid down in bed and dreamed of what would happen tomorrow with me and Max.

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