Chapter 12 Sky

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When we got back to the campsite, Seth and Mindy were having a moment. And by moment, I mean they were having a lovey dovey moment. Max and I walked in on them making out. Wow, I didn't know Seth started kissing people. Then again, I didn't know he was alive for the past 10 years.

I smiled slightly and said, "I hope we didn't walk in on anything."

They pulled apart fast and looked at Max and I embarrassed. Mindy blushed redder than fire and Seth looked around like nothing just happened.

"Seth, can I talk to for a minute," I said.

He walked with me to the other end of the opening. I could tell he didn't want to follow me or even make eye contact. He was embarrassed and not ready to admit to what just happened. I could tell that by the look on his face.

"So, starting to kiss, huh?" I said.

He didn't look at me.

"Seth? Answer me." I pushed him playfully.

"Stop." he said. "I just wanted a little alone time with Mindy."

"You'll have all of eternity with her, Seth if we kill Zane-"

"What if you can't find Supreme Dragon in time and he falls in love with a different dragon or human? What happens then?"

"We all die and be reincarnated in 10,000 years or more. Then our royalty dragons find each other again and they try-"

"This is different, Sky. I want to be with Mindy forever. We are different than any other prince and princess. None have-"

"Seth, don't you think they all felt what you are feeling? They all had the same feelings for each other except for Queen Dragon. She could never find her Supreme Dragon and if she did...he didn't want to love her or believe in all of this 'fake' stuff. The only one that loved her was someone she couldn't be with. And I think that's what's happening between Maxim and I!" I said louder than I wanted. Everyone stared at me.

"What?" Maxim asked looking deep into my eyes. It almost looked like he was beginning to tear up.

I took a deep breath. "Maxim, look I really really like you, but we can't ever be together...I can't be with anyone, but Supreme Dragon...he is the only one that I can love. I'm sorry, I should have told you when we were up on the cliff."

"You gave me false hope...I really liked you, Sky, but now, I'm not so sure. You lied to me and made me believe that I still had a chance with you. Just forget it because I never want to see any of you again." He stormed off in the other direction.

"No, Max, please don't leave!"

And Max was gone. I had lost him again and this time, for good. He would never forgive me for this and I wouldn't even have a friend. It looks like I was the third wheel again.

I stood there with Seth as Mindy stared at me. I felt alone now. My only close friend had left me to die again.

"Sky, it's going to be OK." Mindy whispered.

I fell to my knees. "It's all your fault! I yelled. "Because of you I can never be happy! I will be reincarnated over and over again to be depressed and alone! I will only be loved by those who I can't even be with!"

I wasn't yelling at Mindy. I was yelling at my cursed life. Max saw the beauty in me and I knew that he would be the only one to see that. No one else would look at me and and think, "Man, she's beautiful even her dragon side."

Tears came to my eyes and I ran off to the cliff; away from Seth and Mindy. I didn't want to be there anymore. They had each other. I had absolutely no one to love me the way they loved each other. I was alone and I would always be alone no matter what I did.

"Sky!" I heard Seth yell as he ran after me.

"Seth!" Mindy yelled and I assumed she followed him.

I couldn't stay here. I loved them, but I needed some space for a while.

"Sky, c'mon. Come back please? Can we talk?"

"Leave me alone, Seth! I just want to be alone. The way that it's supposed to be!" I didn't mean to, but I shot lightning at them through my mouth. I looked at them when I was speaking and when I opened my mouth, lightning shot out. It was an accident...I would never hurt Seth or Mindy.

"Whoa!" Seth yelled. l guess that would give me a second. As long as it didn't hurt him, I would be ok.

I ran off the cliff and jumped. I became the cursed monster that I was. My black scales sparkled in the sunshine along with my amazing purple eyes.

"Sky, please! Come back." I looked back to Seth holding his arm and jumping in the air. Oh my gosh... I had hit Seth with my lightning. There was no way I was going back now.

I roared as loud as I could to let them know that I wasn't coming back. They would worry and worry, but I didn't care at the time. I will be alone forever.

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