Chapter 20 Maxim

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We had finally made it to the cabin. It took hours due to traffic on the highway. At some points, Seth was about to jump out of the car and fly in dragon form. This 13 year old literally had no patients at all when it came to cars. Then again, he was locked up for 10 years of his life not knowing anything that was happening.

"Oh my gosh, Max, are we there yet?" Seth had whined. He was acting like a five year old and I was having a terrible time holding back my laughter.

"Not yet. A few more minutes then we should be there." I said watching the road. "I'll drop you off at the cabin while I run back down to the store. You can get the sleep and rest you need from keeping watch all night. I'm still amazed that you didn't sleep at all on our ride up here."

"I keep smelling enemy dragons everywhere. I know they aren't you because you have a different stench."

"Dang it, I thought I showered the other night," I laughed so hard at my stupid joke.

"You have a problem man and you need to figure it out." Seth shook his head and smiled.


When we got to the cabin, I found out that the maids had quit six years ago when my parents died because I didn't pay them. I had actually forgotten about the cabin since their deaths because I had a lot more on my mind than the cabin. It looked terrible. Everything was covered in dust and the wood looked like is was beginning to rot. I was surprised I still kept the key on my key chain. I thought I threw it away a long while ago.

"Maybe we can work on you becoming a dragon while we're up here. It would be the perfect spot to work on this sort of thing." Seth offered.

"I don't know. We need to work on finding Sky before she does something stupid. I'll put the sheets in the wash real fast before I head to the store. You need your rest and energy." I said trying to keep Seth calm. It's been one day since Mindy passed and he doesn't seem very affected, but at the same time, I knew his feeling. Well, except the love of my life wasn't dead...yet. "For now, do you want me to give you the grand tour? It's not the greatest place now, but before my parents passed, this place was beautiful."

"Yeah I guess."

I gave Seth a small smile to let him know it wasn't over. "This is the living room. It's the biggest room in this house and we'll spend most of our time in here. There are phones in every room. We can get hold of absolutely anywhere with a phone."

"My sister doesn't have a phone." Seth said.

"Maybe she'll be somewhere that has a phone."

Seth shrugged.

After I gave him the tour, I cleaned up the house a bit. Seth sat down and watched TV. I found canned food we could eat for lunch since I didn't run down the store yet. I wanted to make sure that Seth got to sleep.

Since Sky was gone, I almost felt like he was my responsibility. I felt as if I had to take care of him and not because he was only 13. I knew he would be able to take care of himself. He has for 10 years. Seth was also a dragon so that always helped in protecting himself.

I walked into the living room. "The sheets are almost done drying."

"Thanks, man." Seth replied.

"Do you think you could put the sheets on the bed and take a nap while I run to the store?"

"I'm not five, Max."

"I know. I've just never taken care of anyone before. Usually it's just me."

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