Chapter 2

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Mindy and I were one of the last students to exit the building. Today, I wasn't riding the bus home, but Mindy was. She followed me to the sidewalk crossing. "Thanks for showing me around today, Sky, " she said with a smile.

I gave a small smile back. "Yep."

She turned toward the buses and started to walk away, but she stopped and turned back towards me. "Hey Sky, " she said, "would you like to come over to my place for a while and hang out some time? Maybe we could get some homework done too."

Dang it! Why would she ask me that?! She's supposed to be laying low, not inviting other dragons to her place. Honestly, I would love to go, but I wasn't ready to start being friends with the enemy.

"I'd love to, really I would, but I have to help out around my home. My mom was widowed when she was expecting her eighth child and she needs all the help she can get each day after school." I lied.

Mindy looked really disappointed. "Of course. I'm sorry for your loss." Then, she walked toward her bus and didn't look back once. I felt terrible for lying to her, but it was the only way out of that. The crosswalk light changed to the walking blue man and I crossed the street to my dirt bike.

My campfire was finally burning after four tries. Don't laugh! I don't have a lighter or matches. I can't even breathe fire. Dragons breathing fire is such a stereotype. Yes, some dragons can blow fire from the mouths, but a lot can't. Some blow water or even lightning!

I went to my backpack and I pulled out my moving away papers. Because of Mindy, I would be going off the grid for a while. At first, I planned on giving the office these papers tomorrow, but then I realized thunder clouds were on their way towards me right now. I didn't have any shelter, but a tent. That wasn't going to do me any good.

Thank god I didn't beary my bike again, otherwise, it would take another 5 minutes to clean it off again. I climbed into the tree next to my fire pit and got my food. Running now, I strapped it onto my dirt bike. Thunder boomed in the distance. Now I was packing up my tent, putting out my fire, and packing my books and clothing into my backpack. I threw my backpack onto my shoulders and snapped it on the front so it wouldn't slide anywhere while I was driving.

Suddenly, thunder sounded directly above me. At least...humans thought it was thunder. I knew better. Thunder did not crash above me. Instead, it was something worse than thunder...a huge, bright blue dragon hovered above me. Its beady, red eyes watched my every breath. Their claws were as dark as my hair, possibly darker and were as sharp as a dagger that would be used to slice my stomach open and eat my insides.

I began breathing heavier from fear. The giant dragon roared again; giving me the opportunity to escape. I ran to my bike, turned it on and hit the accelerator as far as it could go.

As I raced through the woods, I realized the trees camouflaged me, but there was a problem. The tree branches grabbed onto my hair and pulled as hard as they could. I didn't want to leave the trees, but soon I would be bald due to the trees' grasp. The dragon was hopefully gone, but with my luck they weren't.

My eyes closed for a moment and I spread them open with confidence. From my internal compass reading, I was heading north.

Oh my gosh...this must have been Mindy Delgado. She must have followed me home from school and decided this was a good time to collect the reward. Stupid, greedy dragons.

I made my way out of the woods and immediately the dragon was on top of me. It's large feet grabbed me; its claws barely cutting into me, but it was enough to make me bleed.

I cried out in pain. "Let me go!" I yelled.

Mindy snorted; laughing.

I didn't want to do this, but it was my last resort. Deep down I knew this would be really painful because of Mindy's claws digging into my arms and shoulders, but I had no alternatives. I forced my legs and arms to stretch farther and farther. My skin, clothing, and hair melted into my scales, becoming a beautiful, shiny black. My eyes became a deep purple and my wingspan was a little over 30 feet and I was at least 50 feet long: the largest dragon alive.

I lit my body on fire to burning Mindy's feet slightly. She cried out in pain, well, roared. I began to fall from 3,000 feet above the earth. My altitude decreased rapidly and the ground creeped up to me quickly. I fell like a rock into water. This feeling of wind in my face was so exhilerating. I haven't been a dragon since I was six years old. It was hard to remember the amazing feeling. I mean, not being able to turn invisible like other dragons had a terrible impact on my life.

It's literally been forever since I felt the breeze run through my scalely armor. Then, I saw the ground. I had my wings tucked in at my side. It was difficult, but I pushed them out as far and as fast as I could. I flew above the storm clouds and roared at the top of my lungs. Wow, my voice was so much louder than I-

Mindy answer my roar unexpectedly. Dang, she hasn't left.

"You think this is Mindy?" a voice said in my head. It was dark, deep, and mysterious. I was terrified.

"Definitely not Mindy," I thought.

He chucked slightly.
"What do you want from me?" I asked. That was stupid to think.

"I want the reward, Stupid, but I want to talk to you first."

Alright, I'll bite. "What's your name?" Dragons communicate through thought. Our mouths were too big to speak.

"Let's land and go about this as humans."

"Do you think I'm that stupid? We can land, but I'm staying as this. I've been reincarnated enough to outsmart just about any dragon. Now, tell me your name.

The man sighed. "The name is Clyde."

"Clyde? What kind of name is that?!" I was laughing so hard.

He roared louder than before.

"Oh shut it." I sassed.

"I'm Sky Taylor, Queen Dragon. Leave me alone or I leave me no choice, but to kill you."

Then, I flew faster than ever before. I could hear Clyde cursing in my head until I was too far away to hear him. I let out a deep breath. I was finally free again. As I flew, I lowered my altitude just enough to see the ground in search of a nice new piece of land to settle down in for another month.

Dragonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें