Chapter 25 Maxim

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When I woke, Seth was still flying and the sun was beginning to fall. I guess I had slept longer than I should have. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than my fallen hood and the steam coming off my head. That of course was normal, but I wasn't used to it. It slightly burned in a way. It almost felt like I was slowly melting away.

Thanks for joining the party, Seth said within my head. We're halfway there. Should make it there by morning if we keep going.

"Hold on," I said crawling to the edge of Seth's wing as he glided through the sky. I looked down to the ground and I could barely see through the clouds.

Max, what are you doing?

"I'm gonna let you rest for the night." I said. Then, I jumped over his wing.

Seth roared from above, not expecting for me to jump off of him like that.

I closed my eyes and relaxed every muscle in my tense body. The wind pushed my hood off and steam poured off of my head like boiling water bubbling over the edge of a pot and onto the burner. I opened my eyes and I followed the instructions Seth had given me. My arms and legs began to swell and from what I could feel, they were getting longer than they actually were.

The ground was close to my face when my wings finally picked me up with the wind. Vines were twirled around me, but I broke free. I could hear a roar from above. I beat my sore wings as I saw Seth falling to the ground.

I tried yelling "Seth" through my mouth, but only a roar escaped. That was when I remembered the communication situation. Dragons couldn't communicate through their mouths. Now I had to figure out this telepathic communication.

Seth, I thought. Can you hear me?


Seth? I really need to know if you can hear me! I began my descent to find my hurt friend. I had no idea what happened. He just roared and began to fall.

I landed in a tree, snapping a branch off.

Seth, where are you? For a moment, I thought he was dead. Until I heard talking up ahead. I followed the words and I found a campfire. The smoke rose into into the trees above and people sat around it talking, but...they smelled...awful. Their stench was almost unbearable, but I had to know who they were.

"-captured the queen?" The one man said. He was tall with purple hair. In the fire light, he had small scars on his face.

The man directly across from him just nodded. He seemed more quiet. His hair was dark brown, broken with a few highlights.

"The boss grabbed her from the air and threw her in the same cell as that half dragon thing. And it sounds like we just captured the third. The fourth shouldn't be too far off. That is, he figured out how to become a dragon. Otherwise, he's half dead." This kids back was toward me, but he sounded...young. Before puberty, but he sounded like the leader of the four.

This made me angry and I could feel their fire heat up. Wait, I'm the dragon of fire. I can control their flames.

Suddenly, I burst their fire straight into the sky. All had to do was think it and the fire did it. I made the fire snake like and I made it speak: "Be gone minions of Zane. Otherwise, I will blow you and this safe pit into a million pieces."

They all screamed like school girls and fled. They became small dragons and flew off into the distance. I put their fire out as I became human again.

"Seth?" I called out. Suddenly, a sharp pain ran through my head and I fell to the ground as everything went black.

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