Chapter 4

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I had finally registered for a new school. Where I had settled wasn't my favorite place, but I knew it was safe. It was out in the country, but lots of humans lived close by. I lived here until I was six. My parents lived out here long ago, but they moved out recently.

I went up to my room. The whole house was completely different now that I noticed. The old living room was destroyed and had mold growing on the peeling wallpaper. Our carpet was dotted with puke stains and dragon scales. My had another dragon living in it for a while...Mother and Father must have had other kids after my late brother and I.

I sighed. "Why am I even here? Anywhere, but here..."

My backpack was getting heavy so I unsnapped it and rolled it off my shoulder. I set it down in my room and began unpacking.

Then, a knock came on the door. Who on earth could that be?! I peeked through the peep hole in the kitchen door. Oh no...that girl followed me here! What the heck man!

She knocked again. "Sky? I know you're in there." Mindy Delgado said from my front porch.

What do I do?! I thought in a panic. I went with my gut.

She knocked again. I took a deep breath and said, "Who is it?"

"Mindy. Mindy Delgado, from school? I want to talk to you."

I stood at the door, back to the entrance way. If she was here to capture me... These dragons don't know they are ruining their lives...they already live terrible, without me, it will be ten times worse.

I took a deep breath and I opened the door, I locked the screen door immediately and I watched her. "What do you want?" I asked almost annoyed.

"Can I come in?" she asked me looking as sweet as possible.

"No." I said rudely. Then, I realized what I did so I came up with an excuse. "My...Uhhhh....parents aren't home."

"Yet, you opened the door?"

"The screen do is locked, isn't it?"

She laughed a little. "I saw you driving off on your dirt bike the other day. Why did you come the whole way out here?"

"Do you ever stop asking questions?"

Mindy giggled like a little girl. My guess, was that she was around 560 years old.

"Gosh," I said, "get in here." I unlocked the screen door and shuffled her inside before anyone could see.

I closed the door and locked both locks.

"This is your house?" she asked looking around.

"More or less." I made sure she didn't t get any farther than the living room.

"More or less?" she smiled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I didn't say anything.


"What? Sorry, zoned out there for a second," I lied.

"I asked what more or less meant."

"Oh. "

She looked at me.

"This is not my house. I just needed a safe place."

"Safe place? Where are your parents?"

"Stay out of my business."

"OK. OK, calm down."

I let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm not very social."

"Yeah, I can tell." She laughed.

I gave a small smile. "So, how did you follow me out here?" I asked, trying to give up her dragon side.

"Well, I flew."

Wait, was this actually going to work? Was she this stupid? "Flew? I-I'm afraid I do not understand."

"Look, I hardly know you, but I feel some kind of strange connection to you. Not in like love kind of connection, but trust or friendly type of connection. Like you won't make fun of me if I tell you something...crazy."

Where exactly was she going with this? "Could you explain?"

She looked to the ground and I think she may have murmured something.

"What?" I chuckled. "You have to speak up so I can hear what you are trying to tell me."

She took a deep breath and looked dead center into my eyes. "I am a dragon."

I said nothing. She just admitted to me that she was a dragon. Who does that?! OK, I have to play it cool and act like she's crazy until she shows me.

I laughed a little. "What? Dragon? You're kidding, right?"

She didn't laugh or even crack a smile.

"OK, not kidding." I said.

"Let me show you. Can we step outside for a minute?"

I looked nervous. "My parents told me not to go outside unless-"

"Please, like...10 minutes, tops."

I sighed and nodded. "Come on. Let's go."

The door was locked because I don't trust people. You never knew who or what would show up. I led her outside into my large backyard. She looked around to make sure no one was watching. It was getting dark so she had the light of the moon glisten over her bouncy, blonde hair. I watched every motion of her body to make sure she was not about to attack me.

I saw her arms and legs grow farther and farther out toward the sky. Her clothes and hair mushed together to create beautiful, pure white scales. Mindy's eyes became ice, cold blue. She probably had a 20 foot long wingspan and was 40 feet long! She looked right at my chest again, as if she stared directly into my soul.
I stepped back and looked over her. She was strong, intimidating, and absolutely, 100 percent beautiful.

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