Chapter 7

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"Sky, you can't take him out on your own. Especially in human form. Let me help-" Seth called beginning to follow me.

"No." I said simply. He wasn't coming with me no matter what he said.


"Seth, no. I just got you back. I'm not losing you. Think about Mindy and the whole dragons species for once in your life! They'll-"

"Well, think about your family for once in your life!"

I was silent.

"You let me fall to my death and you let humans capture me for 10 years! I was lucky to escape with my life. Think about me and Mindy here for once. Don't make us have to worry again about you."

I looked at him, then Mindy, then the dragon outside. Maybe Seth was right and I should think about my family before everyone else. They were the ones that knew and loved me. They were the ones that weren't going to turn on me. They were going to help me find Supreme Dragon and take down Zane.

I sighed. "Alright, around back there's a door that will take you underground and out the back. Clyde won't see you at all. With luck, he won't even smell us. You guys head out first and I'll meet you there. I need to grab some things before I follow you out. Go out and don't look back. Got it?"

They both nodded. Seth came and hugged me quickly. He was still a little kid in my mind. He was a sweet little soul, but was terrifying if you didn't know him.

"Be safe," Seth said.

"Always am." I smiled; shooing him out.

They crawled through the hole together and followed the tunnel out. I really wanted to talk to this guy, but Seth came before the race this time. I just got him back and I wasn't going to lose him that easily.

I grabbed my bag and I shoved some of the things that I found around the house. They were just small materials such as canned food and bottled water. I shoved them in my pack and ran through the tunnel.

Something moved to my right when I came out of the tunnel. Nothing was there. I ran toward the movement and still, nothing was there. I watched it and suddenly, I heard something.

"Sky! Get over here now!" Seth whispered angrily.

I watched for one more second and ran into the woods next to Seth and Mindy. Maybe I was just paranoid because of everything that was going on at the moment. Because of this, I could have sworn someone was following us too, but I didn't dare look back for fear that Seth would get angry again.

We stopped in a small open area for a quick breath. Seth dropped his bag and came over to me. "Are you crazy?! We could have died if he saw you! What on earth does he want with you anyways?"

"You know exactly what he wants with me, Seth. He wants to take me to Zane."

Then, I noticed Mindy. She was shaking from fear. "Wh-who was th-that?"

Prince Dragon ran to her and held her in his arm. Why did my brother have to be lovey dovey around me? Gross.

"No one, Baby. No one you need to be concerned about."

He stroked her hair one last time, let her go and got right in my face.

"Look what you did!" Seth yelled at me and pointed to Mindy. "She's terrified! She's-"

"She's a dragon just like us. She should have seen this kind of thing before! It shouldn't have scared her!" I yelled getting frustrated now.

Seth did something that I never expected from that sweet, innocent, little boy. He raised his hand high and began to swing it directly toward my face. I had no idea what I was to do. Seth had never harmed me when we were younger and I never expected him to lay a finger on me. I closed my eyes and was going to take it like a man, but something completely different happened.

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