Chapter 26 Sky

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I sat in a cell, with Clyde. He wasn't the greatest looking man. He had scars on his face and and one running from his left eye to his shirt collar. It looked as if it went farther down into his shirt rather than ending at his neck.

Without realizing it, I must have been staring at him. He watched me as well. Then, he began to speak to me.

"I bet you're wondering how I got these scars." Clyde spoke. His voice was deep and mysterious. I had chills running through my bones.

I didn't say a word, but I nodded.

"When I was younger, I had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Both of my parents were smokers so it was understandable. They had found it a week before symptoms would begin to show. Coughing, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, and not being able to run without passing out.

"Everyone was saying I'd be OK, but when my X-ray came back, all hope was lost. Surgery would end in death because of the large tumor. I would not be able to breathe without an oxygen tank, but that would be gone within 20 minutes. The doctor let me stay in the hospital because I had nowhere to run.

"A few weeks passed and I woke up from a deep sleep, barely alive. The nurses had to spoon feed me, but I was fully aware of my surroundings. A doctor came in with some fancy looking man and said that I had two options. I could either stay at this hospital and try to survive on my own for a few more days or I could be transported to a hospital on the other side of the continent and attempt treatment that this man had found. The treatment was never experimented on a human before, but I decided to try it. I was becoming desperate.

"They took me to a new hospital and I was worked on 24/7. Blood tests, medicines that could reduce the speed of the tumor growth, more X-rays, but it seemed all they were doing were the same thing as the other hospital. I knew that my condition wasn't getting better.

"Then, the same guy that I saw earlier in the hospital told me that the procedure was ready. He told me that my body would be completely cut open, from head to toe, to completely replace my blood and my contaminated lung. The blood being replaced was a hazard. They had to get a donator with my same blood type. That's what was taking so long, according to him. I decided the chance was worth it so I went for it even though I knew if he drained my blood I would die immediately. The risk was worth it.

"When I came to, I wasn't in a hospital or even in a building. I was in the middle of nowhere, lost and alone. I thought I was dead. Something felt different about myself as well. I couldn't put my finger on it at the moment, but later I found out that I was a dragon and the other day, I found out that Zane had one of his minions killed, to use their blood in me so that I could be used to kill you."

"So, are you human?" I asked, realizing that I had no right to ask.

"Yes, and no." Clyde responded with a tired tone. The man was slowly dying. He had been dying since they did what they to him how many years ago. He wasn't up for anything anymore. His days were close to the end. "You see, they purposely left human blood inside my veins just so I could be killed to kill you and the rest of your gang."

"And you aren't going to fight it?"

"It's my fate. I cannot elude death like you. I don't-"

"You're part dragon. Why can't you do anything?"

"Because I was put in here to kill you!"

I didn't say a word or let fear appear on my face.

"My choice was clear. Kill or be killed."

"If you help me, Clyde, you don't have to die. You can-"

"You don't understand! I don't have a choice!"

"You always have a choice. Don't-"

"My cancer is coming back. And Zane refuses to let me get it removed until you four are dead!"


"Get in there you giant lizard! Hey Clyde, is she dead yet?" Someone yelled from down the hall. "We caught the other two and we're ready to kill them!"

"Sky," Clyde whispered, "play me..."

For some strange reason, listened. I closed my eyes and lowered my breathing and blood flow. I was practically dead.

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