Chapter 13 Maxim

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Seth fell to the ground as he watched his sister fly away; leaving him again. Mindy ran over to her love to comfort him. He was hurt. His arm was bleeding terribly and I could see his breathing. It was unsteady as if he were crying.

"Why did I let her leave? Why didn't I fly after her?" Seth yelled. He was shaking uncontrollably. Soon, I noticed the earth was shaking as well. Could it be an earthquake?

"You're hurt, sweetheart. It was better not to follow her. You could have had permanent damage to your arm and-"

"I don't care!" He stood and he ran to the very edge of the cliff like he was going to jump.

Mindy yelled in a really soothing, "Seth, please, step away from the edge and back here with me."

"But I want to find my sister."

She looked straight at him. All of a sudden, I felt calm and at peace. It felt like I was in the presence of my parents and my brother again. Everything felt perfect, then it disappeared. It felt like the cops telling me that everyone was dead all over again and how they had to shuffle me out of my house to put me into an orphanage until I was 18. I looked out of my day dream to see Mindy holding Seth in her arms.

"I know, I can't imagine what it feels like again, but your sister just needs her space right now. Personally, I think she's jealous of you, Seth."

Seth looked at her. "Why on earth would my sister be jealous of me? I mean, c'mon, get real now."

"I'm serious! She's right. All Queen Dragons have died alone or with someone she wasn't supposed to be with because she wasn't happy with Supreme Dragon. Sky has nobody and she lost her closest friend just now. He thought she was dead and she hated him for a little, but they decided to forget about the past and look towards a future with each other. Maxim wants to be with Sky, but now he knows that he can't until she finds out who Supreme Dragon is. Max doesn't want to live with someone that he loves so deeply, but can't do anything about it."

Seth sighed. "Will you quit hiding and come out here, please?"

Who was he talking to? There was no way he was talking to me. He had his head laying on Mindy's shoulder; looking the other direction.

I didn't move. If he somehow did see me, I didn't want to come out.

"Max, I know you're hiding. Please come out. We aren't mad." Seth said trying his hardest to hold back his tears.

I stood and looked to the ground in shame as I walked out into the open. Seth had lost at least a pint of blood, maybe more. The blood spilled out continuously. It wasn't stopping.

Then, Seth looked up with me. He said he wasn't angry with me, but I could see anger in his eyes. It terrified me. "You caused this. You are the reason Sky left. You will be the reason she dies."

That hit me like a bullet to the heart. Why would Sky die if she ran away? It's still my fault that she ran away in the first place...

"H-How can sh-she die?" I babbled like an idiot.

"She's going to try and kill Zane on her own!" He yelled and charged me. However, he fell to his knees due to blood loss.

"Seth!" Mindy said running over to him.

"I'm fine," Seth tried to stand, but Mindy pushed him back to the ground.

"Mindy, I'm-" he started.

"Trust me." she said looking into his eyes.

I had no idea what was happening, but my eyes saw power in the sweet 16 year old girl that I saw earlier that day. Mindy placed her hands on Seth's open wound. He cringed and cried out in pain. Mindy's eyes were concentrated on his arm. She almost looked...angry. Her hands began to glow so bright I had to look away. She yelled and I could hear the waves crashing hard against the cliff.

When I looked back towards them, Mindy was next to Seth. The blood puddle had disappeared.

They looked asleep and calm. I was terrified of what had happened. I ran to their side and noticed Seth wasn't bleeding anymore nor did his wound seem to exist.

The couple looked adorable laying there, but it still worried the heck out of me. Their breathing was abnormally slow.

Then, it stopped all together.

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DragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora