Chapter 23 Maxim

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"Is she seriously going to attempt this?" I asked beginning to hyperventilate slightly.

"Sadly, I believe so. We have to get out of here before it's too late." Seth said. "Give me a second and let me see if I can contact her. You get all of our bags packed and ready to go."

"You can contact her?" I asked, but Seth said nothing. His eyes were closed as he concentrated. I ran out of the room to find my bags.

Upstairs was my bedroom. I found my bags and I made sure everything I needed was there. Clothes were thrown in as well as a few other things such as toiletries and food. I wasn't sure what I was going to need on our trip to find Sky.

I knew that my feelings for her shouldn't be this strong. I barely knew the girl, but something tugged my heart to her. My love grew for her everyday since I met her, but not seeing her in forever made the feelings go away. I never had feelings for another girl even though plenty of hot girls looked at me with hearts in their eyes. My love hadn't died for Sky.

Now as I packed up bags for myself and Seth to save her, worry grew in my soul and all that I wanted to do was cry. But crying wasn't going to save her.

"Seth," I asked when I made to the bottom of my twisty staircase, "what's going on?"

He didn't say anything or move at all at first. His eyes were sealed tight and he was barely breathing. There was no expression on his face.

I was trying to reach my sister, a voice said in my head. Somehow I got through to her. I had never gotten through to someone far away from me.

"Did you talk her out of it?" I yelled very loudly. It wasn't supposed to be that loud.

I did, but she ignored me. She wouldn't accept what I was saying and she blocked my connection.

"Maybe I could try. Maybe she would listen to me. What do-"

She'd listen to you for sure, but I am 100 percent positive that you aren't strong enough to reach her. I was barely strong enough. But I do know her plan now. I got into her head and I saw everything that has happened since she left.

"What's she planning on doing?" That was when I realized that Seth still wasn't moving. he was in the same spot and he was talking into my head.

Seth was silent. He still didn't move. It was as if he was frozen in time.

"Seth?" I asked beginning to worry even more.

Sky is going to Zane, Max. One of Zane's minions is only half dragon and his blood is a mix of human and dragon. It can kill my sister. If she gets there, dragons will be doomed to a ruler who has no control of himself. The worst part is, is that he is immortal and us four, are not.

I was silent. Sky was really going to do this. She had everything planned out and ready to go. The love of my life was on her way to her doom.

"We need to get going." I said determined to find her before she could get to Zane's palace. "I have a map of the castles of the dragons in my mom's room. Come back to earth or whatever and get a move on. Sky needs us."

Seth's eyes popped open, bright brown. They were so bright they were almost orange. His eyes never looked like this before. "Let's get my sister back." He smirked slightly.

I nodded with a small smile. A single tear fell down my cheek. I had never expected my life to turn out like this. I was going to have to kill my brother, but it was to save the love of my life. Zane wasn't a good guy like us. He was the killer.

"Grab your bag and that map and let's get a move on. I'm not sure how long we have until Sky gets to Zane's palace." Seth said running around grabbing things he would need. "Also, Max, remember that you and Sky are the most powerful of us. Sky is more than you, but Zane is the most. That's why we have to reach her before she gets there. If she reaches him before we do, we won't be able to defeat him."

I grabbed my bag and I headed for the door. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Seth ran out of the house and became a giant, green monster. Horns grew onto his head and his legs and arms grew outward becoming huge claws. Now that I looked at Seth, he was honestly terrifying.

"How do I do that?" I asked in awe and fear. I never realized how beautiful he was.

No time to explain. We gotta find my sister. Maybe I'll teach you on the way.

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