Chapter 15 Maxim

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I had almost passed out because of the shock of everything that I had just witnessed. Seth was wounded and Mindy had attempted to heal him, but she had killed herself and Seth in the process. They laid there for hours and I couldn't do anything about it, but stare. I was in shock. Both of them had died in front of me.

The world began to spin and I was so close to falling to the ground in a deep sleep. I couldn't tell if I had ever closed my eyes because next thing I knew, I saw movement around Seth and Mindy. At first, I thought someone was trying to steal their bodies and it brought me back to earth. I wasn't going to let some creep come and steal what I had left of them. Especially, for Sky's sake.

Then, I realized that no one else was there, but one of the bodies moved. It was Seth who "arose from the dead." He seemed groggy and unaware of the events that had just occurred. The 13 year old looked like he had awaken from a wonderful night of sleep. He looked well rested.

Then, he saw me and anger filled his eyes again. He looked as if he could pull me apart with his bare hands, but he began to shape shift. This must have meant I was dead.

I began to back away nervously. "Hey, Seth. How did you sleep?"

Seth roared, but a voice entered my head. "Don't you dare pretend everything is fine."

I spoke aloud again. "Seth, please. It was an accident. I didn't know she would run! I used the wrong words back there, but I was angry! Wouldn't you have been upset if it was Mindy you couldn't be with?"

There was no voice in my head.

"I was angry. I didn't mean any of it. I wanted to be best friends with her if I couldn't date her. It just shocked me. Something about Sky and I 'clicked'. But since I found out this information, we were impossible."

Seth became human again. Tears were coming to his eyes, but he refused to let them overflow. "I would have done the same in your position. I had just found my sister and now she's gone. I had to blame someone, anyone, but deep down I knew I was a cause. If we didn't fight back there...if I would have played along with her childish joke..."

I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked into my eyes with hope of forgiveness. I nodded ever so slightly. Seth was like a big 7 year old. That's what his personality reminded me of, but when it came to his sister, he was like a father when she brought her first boyfriend over to her house to introduce everyone.

"I'm sorry about all of this, your sister...and Mindy."

He looked at me confused and drained when I mentioned Mindy's name. I pointed back to the spot where he had waken up from. He turned and froze in his tracks; remembering what Mindy had done for him. Could she actually be dead?

Seth walked over to her side and picked her up in his arms. He cradled her as if she were a newborn child; so gentle and caring. He stroked her hair and cried out, "You fool! Why would you waste your life on me! You can't be dead! No, Mindy, wake up! Please, no..."

I didn't know how to say this, but I had to ask. "How could she be dead? I mean, she's a dragon like you and your sister, right? I could only die from...human blood?" My mind was functioning correctly again. I remembered Sky mentioning that earlier.

"All dragons can be killed by human blood," Seth murmured, "but dragons with powers, you could say...they can drain themselves of their life force so much that disappears completely..."

I was silent. Mindy had given her life for Seth. She forgot about her part and healed her love so that he could continue with his life and find his sister sooner. This was true love.


Later that day, Seth had the earth rumble and sticks and leaves came over and covered Mindy head to toe. Her hair was done into a beautiful, braided, side ponytail with leaves weaved into the hair. A white dress covered her body. It looked like it was made of snow or ice. At that moment, I realized how beautiful she really was.

Seth acted like he didn't care, but deep down, I knew he was devastated. I would be devastated if this was Sky. I couldn't imagine what this boy has been through. I don't even know where had disappeared to for 10 years. He ran away at three and found his princess. His parents are dead. His sister left him again and now, Mindy is dead. It was just him and I.

"Maxim, we're going after my sister." Seth said looking down at Mindy.

That brought hope to me. "How am I going to follow you? You can fly. I can't. I'm no dragon. You-" I said felt like garbage.

"If Mindy said you were, then you are." I could see the hurt in his eyes from the mention of her name. "You just have to trust me."

"I'm never going-"

"With that attitude you won't. We don't have time to worry about it at the moment. We'll worry about it on our way. Now, get on back."

"Seth, I weigh 190 lbs. I don't want to crush you."

"I weigh 110 right now, but in a few seconds, I'll weigh over 1,000. "

At that moment, he became a huge green monster with big, brown, caring eyes. Seth had at least 6 horns on the top of his head. He also had two on his chin. His armor was bright green and beautiful. Seth was amazing and he looked so strong.

After he was completely dragon, he stood strong and proud. He roared as loud as he could. Next thing I knew, Seth's voice was in my head.

"Climb on. We're going to help my sister with her impossible task ahead of her."

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