Chapter 16 Sky

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I had no idea what to do. They planned this the entire time! Clyde knew where I was going and decided to fall behind and take a short cut to his master's castle. Their plan was to capture me and throw me into a dungeon until they found human blood to put inside my body. If they did this, Queen Dragon would be gone for good and never reincarnate.

I changed back into a human when they captured me because of the drug they put in me. It forced me to stay in human form for 24 hours, but they gave me two doses so I wouldn't be able to defend myself for very long if they attacked me.

When they knew I was listening, they looked directly at me in the sky. It was as if they knew I was right there the entire time. I fought for 30 minutes straight against Clyde and many other of this man's minions. I had no idea who this man was, but something about him rang a bell.

Clyde came to my cell with a plate in his hand. To be honest, Clyde wasn't that bad looking, except for the scars all over his face. His eyes were a greyish green color and his hair was dark brown. This man looked about, 30 or so. He was also somewhat short for a dragon. Maybe, 5 ft. 3 in.

"Dinner," he said throwing the plate at me. I haven't eaten in 24 hours because I feared there was human blood in it as a "spice" or something.

I turned my back to him.

"Your majesty," he whispered, "you must get out of here, now."

I didn't move or say a word to him.

Then, I heard keys jingling."My queen, you must escape now while the master is sleeping."

My cage was unlocked. I looked at him and saw that he was being serious and really wanted me to get out of that cage now. I had to make a decision: trust Clyde and attempt to escape while not being able to fly or stay in the cage. I took my changes.

"How am I supposed to escape if I can become a dragon?" I asked Clyde.

"Only one shot was that drug. Both were supposed to be. The second was to give you extra strength after the first shot wore off." He said as we ran through each hall way.

"Let me get this straight, you're helping me escape this freak. Why?"

"I'm feeling merciful today so you better go before I change my mind."

Clyde led me out different doors and up different staircases. This man was going to save my life, but I still had no idea who the other man was.

When we made it to the courtyard, Clyde gave me directions to the safest fly stop. "Follow this cloud line for an hour or so. Soon enough you'll-"

"Thank you, Clyde so much, but I need to find other dragons that are close to me."

"Maybe you can stop on the way."

"One more question."

"You're running out of time!"

"Who is your master?" I asked.

He froze, most likely not sure what to say. Clyde closed his eyes and responded, "Zane King. Now get going! You can't stay here any longer!"

Clyde began to push me off the cliff. I feared he was trying to kill me. How was I supposed to trust that this man had gave me healing drugs? How was I supposed to trust a man that has been trying to capture me?

I didn't trust this man with anything, but I pushed out my arms and legs and I became a monster. Thank god this man wasn't trying to kill me. He was actually trying to save my life.

Clyde pushed me down off the cliff just as I began to change. I flew and flew farther away from that castle. I had to admit, it was a gorgeous mansion. I loved what Zane had done with the place, except for the dungeon. That was a mess. Mice and rats ran every direction. There were holes in the wall, but none were big enough for humans to climb out of. Don't even get me started on the skeletons.

I was terrified that they had put a tracker in me, but most dragons don't know human technology. Only the dragons that tried to live normal human lives really knew about human technology. I was one of those dragons, but Zane wasn't. He was more old fashioned.


All of a sudden, I saw a dragon. It was green with several horns on its head and maybe a human on its back. It must have saw me and it flew faster towards me. I flew in the other direction faster than it. Finally, it was out of sight. I had to get back to Seth and Mindy to tell them that it was time to find Supreme Dragon. It was time to kill Zane King.

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