Chapter 2: Hogwarts is Real?

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I closed my eyes waiting for impact, nothing happened though. I looked up. Outside was beautiful. Cliffs towered up around a large area with a bunch of building in it.
"Welcome to the Academy of Elements."
"Wow." I said my mouth opening wide.
We drove for five more minutes before stopping in front of the biggest building in sight.
It was three stories tall, and was a modern tan colour. We walked inside and a screen appeared saying,
"Welcome to The Academy of Elements. Please sign in of you are new and if you are a returning visitor please press the card on the panel below."
I looked at Mrs. Nicole. She nodded yes.
I walked forward and touched the screen it seamed to be a smart tv. I typed in my name, a beep sounded and then a card with my name on it slid out of the bottom of the tv and into my hands.
I moved the card into the back pocket of my jeans. Ella typed in her name and the same thing that happened to me happened to her.
"Well a group of new students just arrived so we will be merging with them for a tour." Mrs Nicole said.
Me and Ella nodded.
I looked around, another group of elementals came over to us.

The group was full of water and fire elements with a bit of earth and air to lightning and one ice.
The other ice elemental was a boy my age named James.
"So you an ice like me?" I inquired.
"Yeah!" He said. "So Ice is the rarest and one of the most powerful elements. What do you think we will be able to do?"
"I don't know. But I'm excited!" I said as the group moved forward.
It turned put that the first floor had a cafeteria with amazing food, a gym, a teachers room, and a few offices.
The second floor seamed to be normal studies witch included Maths, Science, L.a., P.e.
The third floor had the Library, and all the special classes.

After the tour we were all given one hundred gold coins to spend in the small town to by school supplies.

Mrs. Nicole each gave us a piece of paper with all the things we needed.

"Be back by 5:30 for the welcome feast!" Mrs. Nicole declared and then dismissed us.

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