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Hey everyone!! So, the first chapter of the long-awaited sequel is out!!! It's called Purple Guy's Revenge and you can find it on my profile, or if you look up the name under the Search bar. I know that you all loved this fanfic, so I published the first chapter this afternoon!! Read it and love it... or hate it, I don't care... Just kidding, I couldn't live without you guys!!

BUT!! We now have 1.26 reads and 159 votes!!!! YAY US!!!! Thank all of you for the reads and the votes!!! We couldn't have gotten here without your support, and 1.26 reads and 159 votes is a reason to celebrate, have some cake... Unless you don't have any cake, in which case I give you all virtual cookies and cake, because cake!

But seriously, guys, THANK YOU!! Now I have no intention of turning back, and I strive to move onwards!!! 159 votes is awesome, and with your help, we can make that 259!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! And 1.25 reads?!? You are awesome, and don't you forget it!! THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!

And, as always, STAY AWESOME and SMASH that vote button with THE POWER OF THE FANDOM, and I'll see you all next time in the SEQUEL!! Keep being awesome!!!!!


Darkiplier: Markiplier's Descentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें