Chapter Six: Demons and Kale Chips

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In the morning, everyone was on high alert when they noticed that Aaron and Felix were gone. After hours of searching, they were nowhere to be found. The only clues that could be found was the discovery of Felix's white eyepatch by Matthew(Santoro), lying abandoned on the driveway. To stay safe and prevent another kidnapping, Bon proposed that they stay in groups of two or more at all times.

    Noble was feeling a little hungry for some comforting junk food, and raided the pantry for chips. But when he looked, there was no junk food to be found because Mariza had taken all of the junk food out of the house for "health purposes". Disappointed, Noble rallied Ken to go with him to the grocery store, and Matthew(Santoro) decided to tag along to see what he could find for his show, "Top Ten CRAZIEST Foods That You've Probably Never Heard Of!".

The trio huddled together as they walked through the streets, avoiding all eye contact with passerby. From around the corner, Ken could see the glowing neon sign of the 7-11 convenience store. Noble sighed in relief and wiped beads of sweat from his brow. Matthew walked to the door and almost stepped in before something on the outside rack caught his eye. He chose a bag at random and read the front.

"Kale Crips: The Healthy Chip! ...What the heck is a kale crisp?! Do the actual chips have kale in them, and does that make them healthy chips, or is it just a sauce that comes with the chips?"

Noble walked up to Matthew and read the label. He gave a small snort and snatched the bag from Matthew's hands. "Oh my god, I remember these! My mom used to eat these all the time!"

Ken jogged up to the group and noticed the others staring at the bag. He inquired, "Was she on some sort of weird diet that required you to eat kale all the time? Kale chips don't sound like that good of a product... They probably would get on Shark Tank, but wouldn't get a deal."

Noble scratched his head. "They might get a deal from Lori, but yeah. My mom ate these when people considered them healthy, but when they learned that they weren't healthy or tasty, they abandoned the franchise... Or at least, I though they did... I guess I was wrong, though."

Ken mulled over this information and pondered aloud, "I don't think that's an legitimate reason to shut down a company..."

Matthew grabbed the bag back and read the list of ingredients. "Yeah, there is actually kale in the chips themselves... Let's see what else they have..."

Noble started to say something, but saw something behind Ken and stopped, his mouth hanging open in a surprised daze. Ken motioned for Noble to continue, but he didn't respond, and instead adjusted his position to get a better look at what was behind Ken. Ken, irritated, asked, "Noble, what the heck are you looking at?!?"

Noble gently took Ken's shoulder and turned him around to face in the opposite direction. Ken gasped and his eyes widened in shock.

Sitting on a bench on the sidewalk was Dark, reading a book called, How To Get Away With Murder For Dummies. Dark adjusted his glasses slightly and stared right into Ken's eyes. A reptilian-like voice echoed in his head, saying, You're the next one to go! Succumb to darkness! Say goodbye, Ken! You only have a couple of seconds to live! You can't stop me!!!

Noble's voice quavered slightly as he turned to Ken and asked, "K - Ken? You're seeing him too, right? I'm not just going crazy, right?! Right?!?"

Ken thought of something to say, of some sort of action he could do to ward Dark away, but none came to mind as Dark slowly rose from the bench and put away his book. Every bone in Ken's body tole him to run away, yet he stayed rooted to the spot.

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