Epilouge: He Waits...

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    I growled as Mark and his friends huddled together in a circle, all of them high-fiving each other and positively glowing with happiness. That happiness was my downfall this time, but it won't happen again next time...

    Turning around, I opened a small portal and slipped through, landing in a darkened work room. Black and white tiles lined the floor and the hallway lights flickered on and off simultaneously. I smiled and took my purple hat from the work table and propped it on my head, flicking it up to show off my purple irises. Grabbing my flashlight from the table, I walked down the hallway and went toward the animatronics.

    I could feel their fear radiating around me as I passed their lifeless husks, and I almost found myself smiling in spite of myself. I fingered the switch on my flashlight and pointed it menacingly at Freddy. "Play your song, or die." He obeyed, and the others followed his lead.

    Leaning back on the chair, I tilted my cap down and laughed. Toy Bonnie stopped and watched me, and I swiftly brought an end to her by flashing my flashlight in her face, dissolving her into a pile of ashes. The others glanced at the pile, but didn't stop playing. I cackled evilly, and looked at the mirror hung on the wall, displaying a picture of Mark and his buddies in the hospital, having a good time.

    Bringing my flashlight up to my face, I flicked it on and shone it up right underneath my chin. In a deep, powerful voice, I intoned, "But what they didn't notice was a disembodied shadow watching them from the door, slowly counting down the days until he could come back to the mortal world to haunt them once again..."

    A twang echoed from the corner, and I turned around to see the tied-up girl drooping down from the ceiling, staring at me with a sorrowful gaze. Sighing, I strutted over to the girl and asked, "Did your story not end the way you wanted, Author...? I guess that now I pull the strings, you can't stop me. I wish you luck, because you'll need it to escape this nightmare that you made..."

To Be Continued...

A / N:
So, you managed to figure it out. Congratulations. The real author will come back eventually, but I require her... assistance... for a few things... Oh, and Mark? He will soon be gone, as will the others, but I don't have that kind of power right now...

Oh, but don't worry... I won't change the story or kill the author, but I will need her cooperation for a few chapters in the sequel. And yes, she may post other things at some point, but currently, she is working on the sequel and making it a bit more... fun. More things will be referenced, other YouTubers will be mentioned, and - oh, the author says that if you have an idea to add to the sequel, you can comment below.

Next time, though, it won't be so easy to get rid of me. The author made a good effort to try and defeat me, but it wasn't good enough. I can control the story now, and I can bend it to my will! HAHAHAHA!!! Don't even try to stop me, because a new night has already begun...

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