Author's Note: To 420 and BEYOND!!!

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Hey all! So I know that I said that I would stop doing this multiple times in a row, but we have reached 420 READS!!! Can I get a "what what what"!!!!!!!!! ...What what what!!!!!!!!!!!

But really, guys, 420 reads!!!! 420!!!!!!!! To all of you reading this story, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for being so AWESOME!!! I mean, 420 reads is only 580 reads away from 1,000!!!!! And our story might get promoted if we reach that number!!!!!

The reason I am so happy is because this story isn't just me writing the words on the screen, it's because all of us, as a community, have contributed to this story in so many ways!! I couldn't have gotten here without you guys, and I definitely wouldn't have expected to reach 420 reads on this story in just a little over a week!! You guys are all AWESOME, and don't ever let anyone tell you differently!

You all are amazing people that care so much for other people, and if you can get a story like this to 420 reads, you can do basically anything you set your mind to!! Remember, it's not really the story that has 420 views, it's you guys that do!!

And, as always, STAY AWESOME and KEEP ON SMASHING that vote button WITH THE POWER OF THE FANDOM (I set a goal of 60 votes!) and I will see you all next time on Darkipiler: Markiplier's Descent!!!!!!!!

- EllaRistic

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