Chapter Seven: A Mole on the Other Side

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    Fanart by Septiplier_Away13!! Everyone say thank you!!!!

    When Ken ran off with Dark following behind him, Noble shook himself out of his stupor and grabbed Matthew's arm, dragging him out of the store. Matthew pulled his arm back defensively and said, "Hey! What are you doing?! I have to pay for these, you know!!"

    Noble looked Matt straight in the eye and asked, "Did you really not just see what happened?! Dark was right there, and Ken ran away!! We have to save him!"

    Matthew shook off Noble's grasp and said, "At least let me put the chips back!! I don't want to be arrested for shoplifting, especially if I'm already being stalked by a mass murderer!!"

    Noble sighed. Reasoning with Matthew usually took forever, but he really didn't have time for this right now. "There is no time to put chips back on a shelf!! Ken is about to be killed, do you understand?!

    A gunshot from the direction where Ken ran off accentuated Noble's point, causing Matthew to drop the chips. Noble stared at him and said, "Do you get it now?! We have to save Ken!!"

    The duo ran through the streets of the town, following the sounds of the gunshots. They turned a corner and saw Dark standing above a unconscious Ken, holding a bloody knife in one hand and Ken's bear hat in the other. Matthew's mouth flopped open, and Noble drew in a quick breath. Dark turned around to face the two friends and said, "Oh, it's just you two. I thought that it'd be the police, but I suppose they wouldn't want to be involved with something like this... Well, I'll be taking my leave now, and I'm taking Ken with me."

    Black smoke surrounded Dark and Ken's unconscious body. Noble lunged towards the two, yelling, "Ken! NO!"

    The smoke coiled around the two like a snake and it flew into the air, flying away like a scrap of paper or a plastic bag. Where they had stood lay the revolver and Ken's bear hat. Matthew walked forward and picked up the hat, staring longingly into the bear's eyes. He looked at Noble. After a long pause, Noble asked, "What are we going to tell the others?"

    Bob and Wade sat in silence at the kitchen table. Every now and then, Wade glanced at the small clock on the oven. I wonder what Matthew, Noble, and Ken are doing right now... He wondered. Probably nothing interesting... It's not like Dark's going to attack us again...

    The landline phone started to ring, sending Wade out of his trance-like state. He got up from his place at the table and grabbed the phone, setting it to speakerphone. "Hello? Who is this?"

    From the other side, he could hear the sounds of a scuffle and what sounded like heavy breathing. A voice that he knew all too well echoed out of the speaker, and Bob got up so quickly that the chair fell over. "I told you there was a easy way and a hard way, and you picked the wrong one. Welcome to Raspy Hill, Ken."

    In the middle of all of this, MattPat walked in casually with his backpack and said, "Hey, what's u-" before dropping his backpack on the ground in shock, sending his stuff flying. The sound of running could be heard from the other end and someone gasped. Dark chortled and said, "Oh, it's just you two. I thought that it'd be the police, but I suppose they wouldn't want to be involved with something like this... Well, I'll be taking my leave now, and I'm taking Ken with me."

    Something that was reminiscent of a tornado echoed into the speaker, and a sound like static filled the kitchen. The sounds stopped as soon as they had started, and Jack, Aaron, and Felix's voices said, "Welcome back, Lord."

    Felix said, "I see that you brought back the final piece of the puzzle. Are you almost ready to preform the ritual needed to take over this realm?"

    Dark's voice replied, "Yes, my minions. Soon, I will be able to reclaim my titles as the King of Horror, and you all will be greatly rewarded. We will be the next rulers of the realm! Jack, take this vlogger to the surgery room and prepare him for the transformation."

    The sounds of scuffling could be heard, and a clattering sound could be heard. Dark asked, "What is this? A cell phone? Did this brat call someone?!"

    Jack quickly intervened. "Oh, I'm sorry, milord. It's mine. I must have dropped it. I'll take Ken to the the transformation room now."

    Dark sighed and said, "Get that cell phone out of my sight! You know what happens when I get too close to technology!"

    Jack sighed and Dark started laughing like a crazed person. As the sounds of Dark's laughter got softer and softer, Jack whispered into the phone, "I don't know who this is, but I can help you. I don't want Dark to be the next ruler, and I know what will happen if he does. We're in Kraven's Manor. You have to press Alt-Shift-Command-5 to get into it. Get here quickly, and I'll help you defeat Mark. Bring your cell phone."

    The connection ended with a soft click, and the three men looked at each other. After a long silence, the front door burst open and a disheveled Noble and Matthew walked in. Matthew started to say something, but Matt stopped him. "We know what happened. You don't have to say anything."

    Bob cleared his throat and said, "Well, now we have no other option. Let's go and save our friends."

A / N:

WOW!! That was an eventful chapter!! What's going to happen next? Is Jack what he seems? You're going to have to wait to find out!

I know some of you wanted me to make Nate and/or Noble into evil versions of themselves, so I may or may not have a few tricks up my sleeve... ;)

What did YOU think of this story? Was it good, super good, or ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC? Let me know!

Remember to SMASH that vote button with THE POWER OF THE FANDOM, and don't forget to tune in for the next chapter! See you!


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