Chapter Four: Two Down, Five To Go

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"Are you in postition yet? You have to be ready, because Mark is getting close."

Felix sighed and nervously brushed his hair out of his eyes. Ken had found Mark's location by tracking his phone on Find My Friends, and found him in New York. Mark had expected Felix to come and save Jack by force, so Felix was going to do the opposite; retrieve Jack stealthily.

Back then, Felix hadn't understood why Dark had fled to New York, but now, standing at the bottom of the tall apartment building, he knew. New York was so big that nobody would notice if a disoriented YouTuber with a demon in his head staggered through its streets. He asked, "Where is he now? Is he -"

Ken interrupted, and whispered urgently, "He's almost there! Get into position, now!"

Felix made his way to the door and hid behind a pillar, acting like he was waiting for a friend, and avoided eye contact with passerby. Ken warned him, "Remember, Felix, this Mark is not friendly. You have to be careful so he won't see you."

Suddenly, he spotted Dark walking up to the building's entrance. He whispered into his phone, "I see him. I'm going after him now. Oh, and if I die, all my stuff goes to Mariza and Kevin Bacon."

Quickly, Felix shifted his position on the pillar so Dark couldn't see him and followed his friend. Dark stepped up to the door and went through. Felix followed him, but distanced himself so Dark didn't see him following.

Mark went into the elevator and pushed the button for the 666 floor. Felix took the one on the other side and followed suit. When he got there, Mark was already going to his room. Felix trailed behind him quietly, tiptoeing down the corridor to Mark's apartment.

Mark stopped right in front of his apartment door. Suddenly, he turned around and pinned Felix to the wall with superhuman speed. Mark leaned forward and hissed into his ear, "You can't stop this, you know. You can only watch in agony as your friend suffers. You know, maybe you are the enemy, and you just can't stand being one-upped."

Felix regarded his best friend's face. His eyes were that terrible red color, and his canines had deadly sharp points at the tips. Felix watched in horror as Mark's face snapped to the side and his eyes reverted to brown, speaking to some invisible entity. "Stop this right now! PewDiePie is one of my best friends, and I'm not about to let some freak like you hurt him!"

His face flew back to Felix's and his eyes returned to red. "Ha ha ha, how hilarious! You can't control me, Mark, no matter how much you try. You know what, I think that he should be with his little Irish buddy after all...!"

He swiped at Felix, narrowly missing him. Felix took the hint and ran down the hall to the elevator door, pushing the down arrow frantically as soon as he got there. The screen above the elevator lit up to a red number one. He sighed and said, "Of course. I should know better to trust elevators. They're never there when you need them!"

He slowly turned around to the corner of the hallway back to the way he came, and not seeing anything, he figured that Darkipiler had ran to the next part of the building and sighed in relief. He took a few tentative steps forwards, in hopes of finding a staircase nearby.

On his fifth step, something wrapped itself around his stomach and a hand clasped over his mouth. A chemical smell filled his nostrils and he began to feel light headed.

Grunting in surprise, he leaned his head back and saw Mark holding a white cloth to his face. Just before he blacked out, Felix heard Mark whisper, "Don't worry. I'll make you look absolutely fabulous..."

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