Chapter Eight: Kraven's Manor

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Only a couple of people had decided to come along to defeat Darkipiler, and the rest stayed at home to hold down the fort. Noble, Bob, Wade, Matt, Link, Nate, Rhett, and Cry were all going, which seemed like plenty of people to take Darkiplier down.

Bob was clacking away at the keyboard, opening the game and cross-checking maps of the game's layout online to prepare themselves for the Manor. The computer nerd had set up shop in the living room. He opened the Kraven Manor game, and started to practice pushing the keys that would transport them into the game.

Matt watched the screen over Bob's left shoulder, occasionally asking a question about the game. Bob was already stressed, and having Matt hovering next to him was a little annoying.

Matt had a couple of concerns. "What if this just turns out to be a trap? I mean, this is Antisepticeye we're talking about here. He could be trying to lead us straight into a trap! And if Dark, the master of deception, got his hands on Jack in the first place, who's to say Dark isn't controlling him somehow?!"

Bob slammed his hands onto the couch, stood up, and quickly turned to face Matt. "Stop it right now! If Jack says he's a good guy, then he is a good guy! We have no other option now, so we have to trust what he says, otherwise our friends die and the world as we know it will be gone!"

Matt took a step back and closed his mouth. At that point, Cry walked in with the others, letting Matt shrink back into the crowd. "Are you ready?" Cry asked.

Bob sighed and said, "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this."

The group gathered around the small table and watched apprehensively as Bob pressed the Alt, Command, and Shift keys before he stopped and turned to the group. "Ready? Three... Two... One..."

On one, Bob pressed the eight key, and a string of green letters and numbers appeared on the screen. The green figures filled the screen, and once the entire screen had been covered in green, the letters started flying off of the screen and sticking to Bob's skin.

Cry uttered a cry of surprise and lunged at Bob, grabbing his shoulder. The green swarm had covered Bob up to his neck, and when Cry touched Bob's shoulder, the green numbers started growing up on his hand. Terrified, he tried to pull his hand off, but that just made the numbers fly around even faster. The green swarm had covered Bob, Wade, and Link entirely in green and they disappeared in a flash, leaving the rest of the group to fight off the swarm by themselves.

Just when things couldn't get any weirder, some of the numbers turned red and flew to Matt like they belonged on his body, multiplying all over his body, and he disappeared in a red flash. At this point, Rhett, Cry, and Nate were gone, and Noble was covered in green. As the numbers closed in over his head, he thought, Why did this happen?!

He disappeared in a flash, and the leftover numbers flew back into the computer, which had returned to the loading screen of Kraven's Manor, but with a certain someone with a D on his shirt standing atop the house...

Noble could feel his body being compressed in the grip of the green numbers before he felt the numbers disappear, and a feeling of dread settled into the pit of his stomach.

He was in a graveyard with angel statues everywhere. A huge rust iron gate stood before him, a pattern of intricate interlocking chains sealing them shut. Behind the gates was a huge Victorian-style manor, with boarded up windows and a unlocked door squeaking in tune with the wind. A full moon was high in the sky, and everyone else was standing ahead of him, checking their cell phones and talking about what they'd do when they got out of the manor.

Noble screamed, "AHH- What... Where am I? Oh, guys! You're all okay!!! I was so worried there for a second that we'd gotten ourselves into something terrib-"

Noble was cut off short by Wade jumping on him and giving him a hug. "Noble! I thought that you'd never get here! Wait, where's Matt? Wasn't he one of the last ones in?"

Noble, being trapped in the middle of a huge bear hug, gasped for air. Wade didn't get the hint until Rhett joked, "Oh, Noble, I didn't know that blue looked so good on you! You should wear it more often!"

Nate looked around the area for a little bit before he noticed a statue of a woman with big, sweeping wings. He walked up to it and began flirting with it, asking it, "Hey, are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 'ten' I see."

Bob ignored the others and peered at the chains encircling the gate. He speculated that there was a small break in the chains. He began to find a solution. If we had a blowtorch or metal cutter, I could get this open. What would-

An all-too familiar voice above him asked, "Having a bit of trouble with the lock? Don't worry, I've got something that can help you get it open."

Bob scrambled backwards and tripped over a root on the ground. Before him was Jack, holing a pair of wire cutters. He reached over and snipped the chains easily, and the gate swung open without a sound.

The world froze for a second as Bob studied Jack's face. The right side of Jack's face was covered in a black substance, and his right eye was completely red, save the pupil. His teeth were like little daggers, and his skin was so pale, he looked like a ghost. The left side of his face looked normal, if you didn't count the black circle around the outside of his eye. His hair glowed a fluorescent green in the light of the full moon, and his nails were dark black.

Behind him, the conversation stopped immediately as the others realized that Jack was right there in front of them. Bob cleared his throat and said, "Jack? Why are you helping us?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his green hair. "The better question is, why not? I've seen what can happen when too much power falls into the wrong hands, and Dark is definitely one of those 'wrong hands.' I have to stop him at all costs, even if it means I have to betray him."

Jack reached out a hand to Bob and said, "Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's go kill some bad guys!"


Hey all! So, the next chapter is out!!! WOOHOO!!

In this chapter, we (finally) get to Dark's headquarters, which is in the video game Kraven's Manor. And yes I know some of you dear readers are thinking, "Kraven's Manor, really? You couldn't think of any other video game for a super evil villian lair?" Well, I'm stuck with it now, so whatever!

Oh, and Jack turned into a good guy now. Yay? And Matt went somewhere in the beginning of this chapter... Some of you probably know where, don't you? ;) I'll fill in the rest of you guys later... In the next chapter!!!

I'm sorry if this seemed like a late update, but today I had to go and get my teeth checked. Turns out that I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled!! Strange, I know. And of course the radio is playing Christmas music nonstop... When will it end!?!? (I'm not saying I hate Christmas, don't get me wrong, but CONSTANT Christmas music gets a little old after a while... And don't call me Scrooge!!)

What did YOU think of this story? Was it good, super good, or ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC? Let me know in the comments below! (Hey, that rhymed!)

Remember to SMASH that vote button with THE POWER OF THE FANDOM, and don't forget to tune in for the next chapter! See you!


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