Chapter Ten: Felix and Aaron

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    "Okay, now all we have to is go down this hallway, and we should be able to find Felix and take him down... Are you all ready?"

    Jack had led the group down the twists and turns of the manor until they had reached a single door labelled Dining Hall, which Jack had warned them about. Bob took a deep breath and asked, "How are we going to defeat him? You told us to bring our phones, but we don't know what we need them for..."

    Jack pulled out his phone and said, "Okay, so the reason I asked you to bring your phone is because if you show Felix something that he made before the darkness took over, the evil will be weakened and you can make them go back to normal."

    Rhett ran his hand through his blonde hair and asked, "Okay, so we get that the phones weaken them, but how do we actually change them back to normal? Do we have to just knock them out or what?"

    Jack cleared his throat and was suddenly very interested with the wall. "Uh, well, that's going to be the hard part... You actually have to... uh... kill the dark part for the person to not be evil anymore..."

       Bob was dumbfounded. "Wait, you never said anything about killing anyone! If we kill our friends, how are we going to get them back to normal?!"

    Jack ran his hand through his hair and started to say something, but a scream echoed down the hallway. Cry jumped into action and said, "Well, we have no choice! If we don't stop them, then Dark is going to take over the world, and it'll be game over!!"

    Cry ran down the hallway and slammed the door open. Inside was Felix, as expected, but a huge monster loomed behind him. Cry studied Felix's face. His right eye was normal, but his left eye was gone, and in its place was a gaping hole with specks of dried blood around the side and bits of flesh poking out. The others had caught up to him by then, and when Wade saw Felix's left eye, he turned around quickly and threw up into the nearest potted plant.

    Everyone was so focused on Felix's gruesome appearance that nobody noticed when a panel in the floor opened up. Nobody saw Nate fall into it, yelling curse words as loud as he could, and they were so disgusted that they didn't notice the floor tile pop back into place, drowning out Nate's fierce cussing and the sounds of gears turning.

    Felix eyed the YouTubers and said, "Looks like I was right. You were a traitor all along, weren't you? I should have told Dark about it, but we can keep this as a secret between the two of us... Right, Aaron?"

    The bulky figure behind Felix shifted and grunted something that wasn't English, but Felix seemed to understand it just fine. The two got up and Felix cracked his knuckles. Rhett balled his hands into fists and prepared to fight. Rhett shouted, "Felix, this isn't you! Do you even remember when you made videos, showing the world how nice you are?! You saved countless people from suicide, but now that you're gone with no explanation, people are giving up!! You can't let this happen, Felix! They need you!!"

    Felix's eye wavered, and just for a second, the hole disappeared and his regular eyes could be seen. He cracked his knuckles again and shot back, "So what if I care?! It's not like I actually did anything for them! The other Felix is dead! Only I exist now!!"

    He launched himself at Rhett, his nails extending into claws and teeth into fangs. Suddenly, Cry threw himself in the way, protecting Rhett from the blow of the attack and shredding his hoodie in the process. Rhett got out of the way, and snuck around with Link to the back of the room, going unnoticed by Aaron.

    Cry struggled to his feet and yelled, tears forming in his eyes, "Felix, please, remember who you are! Would the Felix I know attack his friends, and try to kill them for no reason?! No he wouldn't! Don't you remember making Legend Of The Brofist and having so much fun together?! You aren't a monster, you're my best friend!! Please, Felix, remember who you are!"

    Felix stopped dead in his tracks and watched Cry's face. His other eye returned and they changed back to their normal blue color. He reached out to Cry and their fingers interlocked. Cry looked into Felix's eyes and asked quietly, "You do know that people are going to start shipping us together, right?"

    Felix looked into Cry's eyes and whispered, "Yeah, I know. Some of our fans already are shipping PewDieCry, and I bet whoever is reading this right now expects us to kiss, but I'd like it a lot better if we didn't."

    Suddenly, Felix fell to his knees and looked up to the ceiling as his eyes and mouth shone with brilliant white light that filled the room. When the light faded, Felix was on the floor, unconscious, and a dark shadow hovered over his body. The shadow surveyed all of the people in the room, and flew to the back of the room when it didn't see anything of interest.

    From the back of the room, Aaron grunted something that nobody could decipher and ran towards the group before Rhett and Link jumped on him from behind, phone flashlights flashing in Aaron's face. He tried to shake off Rhett and Link while being blinded by the flashlights, but it didn't work and Aaron fell over onto the floor instead, nearly crushing Jack, Bob and Wade.

    Jack walked up to Aaron's monstrous form and brought out a switchblade, quickly slicing Aaron's neck before the others had a chance to react. The darkness flew up, dissolved in the air, and regular Aaron lay facedown on the floor before groaning and pushing himself up. "What - oh, uh, hey... Didn't see you there... Uh, please don't be mad at me..."

    Wade and Bob helped Aaron to his feet, and Bob said, "What would we be mad for? You're fine now, so there's no need to worry."

    Aaron sighed and massaged his shoulder before noticing the decorations of the room. He asked, "Hey, where are we and how did we get here?"

    Before anyone could respond to Aaron's question, a scream came from the door on the other side of the room. Wade asked, "Uh, I have a feeling that if we go in there, we'll find Darkipiler, and I don't really think that I want to go in there just yet..."

    Jack huffed a piece of his green hair out of his face. Bob rolled his eyes and looped his arm through Wade's, saying, "Come on, Chicken Little, let's go kick some Darkipiler buns!"

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