Chapter Twelve: Best Served Cold

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    The art is by bobthelemon, so everyone say thank you!! :D If any of you have fanart you'd like me to use, then leave a link in the comments or something!

    Jack laughed evilly and swept his arm in front of him with a sweeping gesture. "You can't do anything to stop me!! HAHAHA!!!!!"

    Bob backed up and his eyes widened in shock. Wade stumbled back and asked, "Jack...? I thought that we could trust you! What are you doing?!"

    Jack eyed Wade and cackled. Mark stumbled to his feet and tried to take a step forward, but tripped and fell to the floor. Cry stabilized Mark and yelled, "Jack, are you being serious right now!?! We literally just fought Dark, and now you want the power for yourself!? Come on, you're better than this!"

    Jack stared at Cry and his eyes flickered between blue and green. He fell to the floor and cried out, "ENOUGH!! I will be the last one standing!!! You wouldn't understand!!!! All of those in my way should just DIE!!!!!!!"

    He threw little white pellets at the group, before they exploded with force that pushed everyone back. Mark crashed into the wall before he dissapeared in a poof and appeared in Jack's hand. Jack brought Mark close to his face and held up a small knife, hissing, "Oh Mark, you have no idea how long I've waited for this moment, when your empire crumbles and I take your throne!! Watch as I destroy your friends and take your life for myself! HAHAHA-!!"

    A bloody claw stuck out of Jack's chest, and a grizzly bear roared from behind him. Jack's eyes rolled back into his head, and he coughed up blood before he fell forward onto the ground, Ken behind him with Noble and Matt(Pat) standing next to him. Ken was breathing heavily, and he said, "He... won't be... waking up... anytime soon..."

    Jack's body twitched violently before his appearance changed back to normal,  the darkness rising into the air before it roared hoarsely, "I will come back for you. Until then, goodbye..."

    The manor shook violently and bricks began to dislodge themselves from the wall, flying to the ground. Matt yelped as a brick narrowly smushed him, and Link yelled, "We need to get out of here! Bob, get us out!!"

    Bob looked at the ground and muttered something faintly. Rhett batted away a stray piece of rock and shouted, "Any day now, Bob!! Wait, you know how, right?!"

    Bob looked at the others and cried, "I - I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP THIS!!!! I'm - I'm really sorry, everyone..."

    The roof caved in and fell to the ground, rapidly gaining speed before it dissolved into green letters, leaving the men stranded in a white enclosure. Everyone cowered on the ground, but got up when nothing happened. Felix was screaming Swedish curse words before Cry placed a hand on his shoulder. Felix, embarrassed, quickly got up and brushed himself off. Cry asked, "Uh, Bob, was that you?"

    Link looked at the walls before a woman's voice said, "Okay, hold on everyone! I'm getting you guys out of here! Um, it was this button, right?... Oh, wait, it was this button..."

    The white room turned into a vortex, sucking everyone into it. They flew around in circles before crash landing on Felix's carpet, one on top of the other. Slowly, Noble opened his eyes to see Mariza holding the laptop, staring at the group before she noticed Felix, flying onto him and hugging him tightly. "FELIX!!!!! You - you're okay!!! Thank GOD!!! I was so worried that I had deleted you guys or something!!!"

    Felix allowed Mariza to hug him for a minute before he gently pushed her to the side and asked, "Where are we? Are we back home? How did we get here?"

    Mariza looked at him and smiled. "You're in our house, silly! Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!!! Come on, everyone else is waiting for you!!"

    Everyone sighed in relief and relaxed. They were out of harm's way now, and they had managed to save their friends. Mark huddled next to Jack's unconscious body and said weakly, "Okay, that's awesome, but can I get some medical assistance now? I'm... staring to feel kind of sleepy..." before he slumped over to the ground, coughing up small amounts of blood.

    Mariza rushed to him and asked, "Why did you bring him back here?! He tried to kill you, Felix!!! What happened in there anyway?"

    Felix sighed and said, "That's not important now. We need to get him and Jack to the hospital as fast as possible. We don't want anyone dying on us, especially after we went inside a video game to save them."

    Deliriously, Jack muttered, "Speed is key..." under his breath. Mariza finally seemed to understand the gravity of the situation and dialed 911 on the landline.

    A few hours later, Mark was feeling better and Jack had woken up, but didn't seem to remember anything about the adventure other than getting captured and little bits of the final battle. Mark asked, "Okay, explanation time! The fans need to know why I'm not making videos and in the hospital, right?"

    Rhett and Link looked warily at Mark and asked, "But the internet would explode from Darkipiler fan art and AnitSepticEye stuff... Not like it already hasn't..."

    Mark shrugged and said, "Like I said in the last chapter, I'll just tell them that I had a intestine blockage. It's the only way to protect my sanity and the internet."

    Link looked at Matthew(Santoro) and asked, "What do you think? I'm okay with it..."

    Matthew(Santoro) shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Eh, why not? It's not the weirdest thing that's happened to us..." and handed Mark his phone, already turned to video mode.

    Mark set himself up and flicked the camera on. "Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier, and I am currently in the hospital..."

    But what they didn't notice was a disembodied shadow watching them from the door, slowly counting down the days until he could come back to the mortal world to haunt them once again...

A / N:
Yay, it's the last chapter!!! But I am making an epilogue to this story, so never fear, my loyal fans!! So, everyone is safe and Mark used his "intestine blockage spiel" (we all know that you were covering up something, Mark) to hide the after effects of Dark's possession... I wonder what's going to happen next!!

So, yes, unfortunately, this is the last chapter (sadly, but hey, all good things must come to an end), but I will work on Online Friends and Trapped In A Fanfic now... After the epilogue!!! Hey, maybe I should write a sequel... What do YOU think?!?

So, if you liked this story, remember to SMASH that vote button WITH THE POWER OF THE FANDOM, and I will see you all next time for the epilogue of Darkipiler: Markiplier's Descent!!

- EllaRistic

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