Author's Note: ALREADY OVER 380?!?!

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Okay, so some of my fans are clearly being some SUPER awesome people, because we have ALREADY hit 384 views and 52 votes!!!!!!!! I mean, I published the last part only a couple of hours ago, and yet we are almost to 400 views!!!!!!!!!!! HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?!?

My mind is literally being blown out of my head!!!!!!! It's already up in space with the Voyager Two, flying past Pluto and into the galaxies beyond!!!!! It's gone, in a super duper cosmic home run of fan amazingness!!!! Boom goes the brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But really, guys, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support and love!! I couldn't have gotten to this point without you guys helping me out!!!!! I mean, at this rate we'll be flying off the charts and onto the Discover section for the whole world to see!!!!!

And, as ljcaples said, MAYBE, just MAYBE, Markiplier and all of the other YouTubers featured in this fanfic will actually read it for themselves!!!!!!!! Then I'll have even more exclamation points to add to my Author's Notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, just a couple of hours ago, MarionMarionette suggested that we make a fan game for Mark and Co. based off the fanfic, which I am totally okay with, as long as some credit goes to me for story design... But that's not the point!!!

The point is that we are going somewhere with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We could do so many things with it, and I would LOVE some feedback from you guys as to where we should go next!!! (Other than actually writing it... teehee...)

And, as always, remember to KEEP ON SMASHING that vote button WITH THE POWER OF THE FANDOM (let's see if we can make it to 100 votes this time!), and I'll see you next time on Darkipiler: Markiplier's Descent!!!!


Darkiplier: Markiplier's DescentWhere stories live. Discover now