Chapter 35

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At the my doctor's appointment, Trent was holding my hand and watching the screen as the image appeared.  "Congratulations to both of you.  You're 4 weeks pregnant."  Trent's face lit up like a kid's on Christmas.

In the car, Trent's hand held mine in my lap.  "Are you really 100% happy?"

"Yes.  Happy doesn't even describe it."

"You really want to have a baby?"

"Yes.  I want you to have this baby so I can spoil you and him or her.  I love you Mindy and I will always love you.  No matter how bad of a fight we have.  No matter how angry we both are.  I need you."

It was Christmas Eve and the start of my 6th month.  Trent was sitting on the couch beside me at his parents' house.  They were more upper class and refused to help Trent and I even though they helped his older siblings.  "So, when are you due again?"

"March 7th."  I said.

Before dinner, I was getting a drink of water when his mom walked in.  "So, you got your way.  You two don't belong together.  He doesn't deserve you.  He's better than you."

"You're problem is you can't handle the fact that his money isn't going to you and it never will.  I have a job and so does he.  We can support our child without your help."

"Then why are you here?"  she asked.  "You don't belong here.  In this house or in this family."

I walked out of the house.  "Mindy?"  I heard Trent.  He caught my hand as soon as I reached the car door.  "Where are you going?"

"You need to go back to your family."

"You're my family too.  What happened baby?"

"I don't fit in with you or your family.  You need to go back to make your mom happy."

"She has never wanted me in your family.  That's why she wasn't at the wedding.  You deserve someone better than me."

"I deserve you.  You are better than me.  I need you in my life Mindy.  If you leave then so do I."  he helped me into the car and started it.  "I'll be right back okay?"

"Where are we going?"

"Home.  You have your Christmas present to open.  We'll go to your mom and dad's for Christmas day, okay?"  he gave me a soft kiss.

He went inside and was back within a couple of minutes.  He had something wrapped in aluminum foil and he said something to the butler of the place.  He got in the car.  "Gotta love Jenks."  he said handing me the bundle.  "Some food specially prepared by Jenks for his favorite pregnant woman."  he said.  I removed the foil and saw the food.  I gave Trent a hot dinner roll with butter and almost scarfed down most of the food.  "Slow down baby."  he said with a chuckle as he pulled into a parking spot in front of our apartment complex.

"I can't help it your child is hungry which makes me twice as hungry."

"We have more food in the apartment."  he said cutting the engine.  He got out of the car and walked around to my side.  He opened the door and helped me out.  He closed the car door and pressed me against it.  "You know what the best kind of kiss is?"

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