Chapter 24

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I was sitting with Layla in her hospital bed gently rubbing her back.  She had her head resting on my shoulder.  Matt was talking to the doctor.  Another mother walked over and offered a bottle of water for me and a juice for my baby.  "Do you want a juice box baby?"  she nodded.

"Thank you."  I said.  I took it and pushed the straw through for Layla.  I handed it to her and she sipped from it.  I took the water.

"I'm Justine, you are?"

"Alyssa.  This is Layla."  Matt walked over and sat on the other side of Layla.  "This is my husband Matt."

"Nice to meet you."  she said.  "My son Carter is here as well.  He has leukemia."

"So does Layla."

"Maybe when they are out of the ICU they can play a little in the big play room."

"Maybe."  I said.

A week later, Layla was playing with Carter.  Matt Jr. was standing on the bed with Matt's help.  Matt's phone rang.  He pulled Jr. into his lap and answered it.  "Hello?"  He looked at me and walked over with Jr.  My mom held her hands out and Jr. willingly went to his grandma.  I put some pillows in a square, there was a couple in each stack.  Matt bought a lot of pillows for the sake of my back and side.  My mom let Jr. stand on his own and he started walking.

Justine walked in.  "Mom look!"  Carter said pointing to the block tower he and Layla made.

"Looks good buddy."

"When's dad coming to see me?"  Carter asked.

"He'll be here tonight."

Matt returned.  "What's wrong baby?"  I asked.

"The partnering CEO."

"That jerk Shawn?"

"Yes.  He screwed up and scheduled multiple meetings for this weekend and now there's a bunch of paperwork and other stuff that needs done."

"I can take care of that.  I have to head home for a few days."  my dad said.

"It's Monday.  When do you plan on coming back?"


"The paperwork would be in the mail room.  I'll give you the keys you need.  You could bring the paperwork back here and I can fill it out and fax it."

"That's fine."

That night, I was sitting in the hotel room changing Matt Jr.'s diaper when Matt came in from a shower checking his cell phone.  I jumped when his fist hit the table.  "Honey?"

"Your dad stopped in the office to get the paperwork for me.  Security refused to let him in.  I have to head back home for a few days."

"Oh."  I said.

"I really don't want to baby."

"I know."  I said.  I set Jr. up against his pillow pet.

"Do you want me to bring Matty with me so he can stay in his crib for a few days?"

"It doesn't matter.  He can go with you."

"So can you you know."  he said.

"I'm not going home until my baby can come with me."  he nodded in understanding.  He crouched in front of me and brushed his hands over my baby bump.

"Are we going to find out?"

"I want it to be a surprise."  I said.

"Okay.  Well, I do have a surprise for you."


"I sort of rented a house near the hospital..."


"Yes.  It's a lot better than using a hotel room only half the time.  Dad and I are going to bring a mini fridge and a few other things so it's livable.  I can stay full time and you can see me and Matty for more than just a few days."  I hugged him.

"Ma!"  I turned to Jr. and stood up on the bed using the pillows for support.  "Mama!"  Jr. said reaching for me taking a few steps.  Matt smiled as Jr. hugged me.

I was asleep around 4:34 in the morning I woke up from where I was sleeping in bed beside Matt.  My stomach hurt badly.  "Matt..."  I said panicking.  "Matty."  I shook his arm.

The EMTs arrived and so did my mom with replacement sheets and blankets for the hotel.  The owner said no about taking them.  I was taken down to the ambulance.

Two weeks later, we were at the house that Matt rented.  Layla was doing so much better for the time being.  Her and Justine's son Carter were great friends.  I was taking the necessary vitamins so my body was prepared for a possible pregnancy.  Layla and Matt were in her room hanging up posters.  9 month old Matt Jr. was sitting on the carpeted floor watching.  "Hey you two, lunch time."  I said picking up Matt Jr.  

Matt came into the bedroom after lunch and took the other side of the sheet.  He helped me make the bed.  "How are you feeling baby?"

"Fine."  I said.

"So how would you feel about another baby attempt in the future?"  I shrugged.  He walked around the bed and sat down in front of me pulling me close.  "Well, I have a meeting on Monday.  I'll be gone for at least a week.  Do you want to come with me?"

"Not really."  I said.  "I kind of want to stay home."

"That's fine."  he said.

"I have a date."  I said.

"Oh really?"

"Yes.  He looks exactly like you only smaller and cuter."  I said.

"What are you doing on this date?"

"Story time, movie, blocks, and a nap."

"I see... can I join you?"

"You'll have to ask him."

"Matty, can daddy join you and mommy?"  Matty looked up from where he was seated in his playpen.

"Ya."  he said not even understanding what was said.

Two months later, Matt returned to the house being a complete disaster.  Layla's funeral was set for Friday.  I was sitting in Layla's room clutching her bear against my chest.  Matt appeared in the doorway.  I was sobbing my hands in fists against my forehead.  He held me.  My cries turned into full on wailing.

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