Fallon crawled up in her seat and I pushed her up to her plate fixing myself a plate sitting beside her. I poured some hot sauce over my burrito glancing at Fallon. She pointed at her plate, "I want hoss sauce." I rolled my eyes at her pouring a little bit on her plate. "Don't cry when your mouth starts burning." I shook my head. Fallon loved hot sauce, she was so her daddy's child. After we ate I laid Maliyah in her bassinet and Fallon went off to playing the den. I went ahead and washed the dishes knowing I wouldn't want to do them later.

Around lunch Wayne called checking in and I told him about Fallon being a brat this morning. "She will be OK, just rebelling some." I groaned, "great, I already have to deal with you now her." Wayne laughed at me. "You will be OK momma, you want me to order you something for lunch." I shook my head no. "I'm just going to make some grilled cheese and tomato soup." Wayne sighed. "Alright, well I'm going to be eating some ribs, and potato salad, and some baked beans." I laughed. "That should be supper not lunch." Wayne laughed at me. "I'll take you out to eat tonight baby, just me and you. Call Mrs. Rosa." I grinned to myself, "we just went out to eat last night." Wayne laughed. "OK then I was trying to be nice to your ass but." I cut him off. "I was just kidding, gah stop being mean to me." Wayne laughed at me. "Who being mean?" I giggled at him. "You, and don't think I don't know your spending all the time in the studio so you don't have to help me with this wedding planning." Wayne made a shocked sound. "Who me... never." I rolled my eyes, "yeah OK."

I would lie if I said I wasn't kinda exited to be going out alone with him. Since Maliyah arrived we haven't really had any alone time besides at night, and while that was all good, I still missed just the two of us going out having fun. Mrs. Rosa was happy to watch the girls for us. We were lucky to have her in our lives, she was great. She never complained when we needed her last minute and  the girls loved her and she loved them like they were her own grandchildren.

I dressed in some skinny leg jeans, a long sleeved red blouse and my black boots. Wayne surprised me by coming home at 7 .He took a quick shower and I played with Fallon downstairs until he was ready. When he came down he had on some lose fit blue jeans with a black button up shirt and his high top supras. He winked at me when he saw me watching him. "Approve." I nodded grinning. "Very sexy baby." Wayne smirked at me. "That's all the time." I shook my head. "I'll just let you keep thinking that."

Wayne ended up taking me to one of our favorite seafood restaurants. He had called in early and reserved us a table so when we walked in we were lead straight to a table in the back. "Why are you being so nice." Wayne grinned down at me as he slide in beside me throwing his arm around me. "Cause you've had a rough week and I got to keep my girl happy." I laughed up at him as our waiter came to take our drink order. I got a coke and Wayne ordered a corona, we decided we didn't want any appetizers so we went ahead and ordered our main course. I ordered crab legs with shrimp, and Wayne ordered steak and shrimp.

As the waiter brought back our drinks I reached out grabbing my coke taking a sip. "So the wedding planner is coming to the house next week. You going to be there." Wayne shrugged. "I need to be." I shrugged. "Well your paying for it, so ya know I just thought you might want some input." Wayne looked down at me laughing. "As long as I'm the one your marrying at the end of the day you can do and spend what ya want." I rolled my eyes. "I'm glad your all into it, do I need to pick your best man too." Wayne glanced sideways at me, "girl I got that handled." I shook my head taking another drink of my coke. Wayne looked down at me. "If it was up to me we would have a small private wedding on some island somewhere." I looked up at him grinning. "Sounds good to me." He arched his eyebrow, "Shit I could plan this all by myself." I laughed, "OK you do that." Wayne grinned down at me. "You really want me in charge." I shook my head no  laughing as our food was sat down in front of us.

The food was beyond amazing. Wayne had me laughing the whole meal, it was nice to be able to just get out and relax. I was having so much fun out with him, it was like we had just started dating all over again.   When we were done we walked out hand in hand. I ignored the stares and random pictures people would take with their phones. Life with Wayne was so crazy, the attention he pulled never seized to amaze me. When I was alone it wasn't bad, not many people  recognize me but when we were together no matter how well he tried to blend in he never could. Wayne was always the center of attention. I looked up at him as he opened my door and leaned in to kiss him. "whats that for baby girl." I shrugged. "Cause I love you Dwayne Michael Carter." Wayne leaned down kissing me. "Love you too baby." I grinned, "you better." Wayne laughed. "I'm bout to make you my Mrs. Carter, that should speak to you in ways I never could."

As we got in the car Wayne grabbed my hand as we took off toward home. "I will be there if you want me to." I looked up at him. "I just don't know what you want, we never have even said where, it goes from being in Miami, to LA, to New Orleans, to Hawaii, to the Bahamas, to Mars." Wayne laughed at me. "I'm all for Mars." I rolled my eyes at him. "I already know Mr I am not a human being." Wayne laughed. "You already know." I sigh and he looks down at me. "No for real, I think on the beach, at night under the stars." I grinned looking over at him. "Aren't you the romantic one tonight." Wayne shrugged. "Just thought it would be something you would like, going barefoot in the sand." I nodded. "I do like it, sounds perfect, I'm still shocked it came from you." Wayne gave me a face and I squeezed his hand. "It wouldn't matter where we got married as long as you are there I will be happy." Wayne laughed. "I'mma be at my own wedding trust that."

The girls were asleep when we made it home and Wayne and I sat and talked to Mrs. Rosa for a bit. She told us Fallon had showed out. I shook my head. That girl was definitely pushing her luck. Wayne walked Mrs Rosa to her care and I walked upstairs to check on both the girls. I was standing in Maliyah's doorway watching her chest rise and fall when Wayne walked up behind me hugging me. "You worry to much baby." I turned my head slightly meeting his lips. "I cant help it that's what momma's do." Wayne grabbed my hand and led me to the room. I already knew he was about to smoke so I opened the balcony doors as he sat on the bed rolling a blunt. "I still can't believe we are getting married, like actually going through with it." Wayne looked up. "You trying to back out on me?" The smirk on his face made me roll my eyes. "No I'm just saying I though we'd be engaged for like ever before you would be ready." Wayne stood up walking out on the balcony pulling me with him. We sat side by side and I threw my legs up on his. He lit up then put his hands on my legs. "I'm ready to settle down Maci, its time to grow up....some." I looked up at him and laughed. "Yeah some."

Wayne's phone started ringing and he looked down seeing it was Cortez. I frowned at him and he hit ignore. The sound of his voice mail was soon to follow. I looked at Wayne. "Just listen to it or it will drive you crazy." Wayne shook his head and I watched him as he started shaking his head rolling his eyes. "Man its always bullshit." I sat up and moved so I was in Wayne's lap, leaning in to kiss him. "You always maintain baby." Wayne turned his head taking a hit of his blunt. "They can't hold me down." I laughed, "That's right its my job to put you on your back." Wayne arched his brow up at me. "That right there is why your my girl."

I started running kisses over Wayne's neck, as he leaned back giving me free roam. I turned so I was straddling him moving my kisses to the other side of his neck. The shirt he had on buttoned up so I slowly started unbuttoning them one at a time. Wayne put his arms around me pulling me closer to him as he stood up. I hooked my legs aroudn his waist as he took us back to the bedroom. He sat down on the edge of the bed pushign my hair out of my face leaning in to kiss me. What started out to a simple kiss turned hot in seconds. I pushed at him until he leaned back and I slowly ran kisses over his chest. I sat up pulling my shirt off and undoing my bra. Wayne put his hands on my waist. "You drive me crazy Maci." I arched my brow at him. "You aint' seen nothing yet."


Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now