Chapter 20; "Plotting"

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Abel & Jeremiah in the media 💛✨


Laila's POV

My art Teacher Ms.Stacy wasn't here today. So we had a substitute. It was a woman that was old with short grey hair.

She was a really nice lady. I cant remember her name .

"Ok Kiddos. You can free draw for today. Ms.Stacy said there was an emergency and she didn't have time to leave a lesson plan", the lady said.

I got my crayons and markers from my cubby as the teacher passed out paper.

When I went back to my table , Jeremiah sat there next to my chair.

"Hey Jeremiah", I say smiling.

He was really cute. He wore a black xo shirt . I seen Abel wearing one like it before. He had on dark jeans and timb boots. I have the same boots at home.

"Hi Laila", he says. "This is for you".

He held a small card in his hand. It had Iron Man on the front. It said something on the front , but I didn't know how to read all that good.

"It's for my birthday party today", he says. "It's going to be at Playdium today at 5".

"I love playdium!".

"Me too. I really wanted you to come. I was going to give the invitation to you a few days ago but you weren't at school".

"It's because it was my birthday and I was at Disney World".

"Wow , Really?", he says with his eyes getting really big.

"Yep", I say happily. "My mommy took me. But I haven't seen my mommy in a few days".

"Where did she go?".

"She's at home. I been staying with my auntie Kay", I say.

"Oh. Well will your Auntie Kay let you go to my birthday party?".

"I don't know. But happy birthday".

"Thank you. I hope you can go", he says shyly. "I really want you to come".

He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. Then he runs off to the other little boys.

I could feel my cheeks heat up like fresh pancakes. I never got a kiss from a boy before . My mommy told me to stay away from boys because they have cooties.

Does that mean I have cooties now?

"Did he just kiss you?", jojo asked.

I didn't know that she stood there by my table. Her friend Maddie sat down across from me.

"Yes", I say smiling.

"You like him don't you?", jojo says.

I didn't like jojo at all. My mommy beat her mommy up. Her and her mommy are bad people. They're mean to me.

"No", I say quickly.

"Yes you do", she says.

"I do not!".

"Then what did he give you?", she says stepping closer to me to see what was in my hands.

"Nothing", I say putting it behind my back.

"Is that a love note?", she asks smiling.

"No. It's a Invitation to his party", Maddie says without looking up from her flower drawing. "I got one too".

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