Like she could talk, I've seen her dressed way worse, the lost chick was now glaring in this direction, I looked at Sammy to reply.

"Oh and you dress sooo nicely Samantha"

"whatever, what if that's Cj" she said her name with such a conceited voice.

"There's no way that's her" I whisper yelled back.

"Do you expect her to show up in a shirt that says I"M AUSTRALIAN on it, while waving an Australian flag, with a totally unrealistic accent" a new voice from next to me said, with a surprising accent.

I looked to my side to see the chick who I was checking out before, somehow she had snuck up behind us and now had a cart fulll of luggage which she was casually leaning on.

Cj P.O.V-

The kid totally shit himself when he heard me say that, ahh America is already proving to be hilarious, I smiled casually, and had gained the attention of the two adults standing next to the arguing teens.

"And what would you know?" Said the nasally girl,

"well seeing that I'm Cj Hall, well I do think I know what I'm gonna wear when I show up"I sighed loudly.

The teen guy, who from the papers I had, I knew was Ashley, shuddered and must be mentally kicking himself, the lady behing them had clasped her hands together in surprise, she looked the same from the photo only not pregnant and James well he was kind of standing there in shock.

"Oh sweetie!" exclaimed, aw what did the papers say her name was, Alice, I think it was,

"great the plane didn't crash" the girl next to Ashley muttered under her breath,

my memory totally sucks, I so don't know her name. James suddenly wrapped me up in a hug and I screamed.


"Sorry" he said while letting me go,

"its okay I'm just not a hugger..." 

Okay I am totally a hugger but that was awkard, just like the silence now...



"Um?" I said quietly.

"Oh were are our manners, I'm Aliceson, and these two are Ashley and Sammy my kids"

Aliceson, not Alice, said as she tapped Ashley and Sammy in turn as she said their names. they both awkwardly said hello.

"Well you must be tired fom your flight we should take you home" James stuttered a little.

"Oh, I'm not that tired I slept through the whole flight" I said with a small smile.

Sammy glared at me, I guess princess doesn't want any compettition for attention.

"Is that your luggagge?" Aliceson asked.

"Yeah I got it before finding you guys, sorry it took so long, it was forever before I could find my surfboard" I explained.

"You surf?" Ashley asked,

"not as much as I dirt bike, but I wasn't allowed to bring it with me" I smiled saldly

"Good, no offence, err Cj, its just that isn't very safe is it?" James stated softly

"It's okay my mother was against it too" I shuddered for effect when I said mother,

their eyes softened, this is going to be awkward but the situation is... workable.


"Sorry your room is so small" James apologized,

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