Chapter 1

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Picture of Madison 

Hi, my name is Madison!

I'm the school nerd, or so that's what everyone says.

I live my with family. Well, some of my family anyway.

My parents have been divorced since I was 2. I live with my mom. My dad left one night, drunk and just overall, not in the right state of mind. At least that's what my mom says. It has been 14 long and difficult years since I've ever heard my mom even really mention him. 

I don't think that I ever met my dad and if I did it was when I was younger and I would never even have remembered it anyways. I also have a brother. But he's on his own now, and already has a family of his own. I haven't seen him since I was 7.

I know my mom misses them both, but she will never admit it to me. As for me, it's hard to miss people that you haven't ever met. I guess you could say my mom got a little crazy.

That's what my grandma says. She used to be kind and never stressed out of anxious about having to pay the bills.

Now she is always worried that we will lose our house or not be able to pay our bills, so to compensate she works everyday. From 5:00 am to 1:00 am.

When she gets home she goes straight to bed, so I never see her anymore.

I was walking home from school, with my bag slugged over my shoulders. I pushed my glasses up. The wind was blowing in my face.

It was a breezy fall day, and quite frankly I was cold. I walked down long endless blocks, until I finally reached the doorstep of my house.

I twisted the key into the lock and the door swung open. Kicking my shoes off and leaving them by the door, I flung myself onto the couch.

I lied back on my bed and closed my eyes. Today was the anniversary, the day that my mother dreaded.

My eyes started to close as sleep took over my body.


My phone was ringing. That was what woke me up, but then it wasn't ringing. I sat up and took my phone off from the table it was perched on.

Seven missed calls.

They were all from my mother's work. Then I looked at the clock, it was 3 in the morning. What was my mom thinking? I called the number back.




After three rings a voice answered. But it wasn't my moms. It was one of her coworkers.

"Madison... is that you?"

The voice sounded pained and nervous.

"Yes..? Who is this?" I asked, question in my tone.

"This is Bella. I'm one of your mother's coworkers, and you need to get down to the hospital now. Your mother had an accident." She said, concern and pain in her voice.

I didn't ask any questions, I hung up and threw on my shoes.

Grabbing my keys, I ran out of the house. I ran and hopped into my car. Pain clenched my head and stomach like bloody hell.

I jammed the key into the ignition and zoomed off. The hospital at which my mother worked wasn't that far away, it was only a 15 minute drive.

When I got to the hospital, I ran to the reception desk to ask where my mom was. Before I could say anything, a nurse walked up to me.

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