Chapter Fourteen Tragic Magic

Depuis le début

Wow that was actually....deep. Odd. "Can I ask you something else?" I ask him

"Shoot." He says with a mouthfull of cereal

"Could I, like um..."

"Spit it out Sykes your blushing."

"Could I get pregnant by Mika?"

He stares at me in shock. But only for a moment then he clears his throat and says "Um, well uh, it is possible since my mom had me and my grandma had my dad. So yeah you could."

"And it would be a normal pregnancy and everything?"

"Uh, no that's the complicated part."

"How so?"

"Well it's different. The pregnancy is faster. The woman would be showing in a matter of weeks, a month tops. The pregnancy could be at least four or five months unlike a human pregnancy where it's nine months." 

"And you were like born normal?"

"Yup bald, small and annoying. All teen toes and fingures. No tail."


"So can I ask you something?"


"Why do you wanna know?"

"Just curious?"

"Curiousity killed the cat. Well in this case dog."

"Not funny."

"Aw I thought it was."

"Um, Duncan could this possibly stay between us?"

"Of course."


I go to the hall and back to Mika's room. His doors open and has a crack in it wear I'm betting he kicked it. He's gone. I go to his bathroom and lock the door behind me. I lift up my shirt and examine my stomach. I don't see a difference.

God Lucinda look what you're doing! One stupid little dream and you think you're pregnant! You're fine!.....right? I mean there is NO way I will let that stupid nightmare come true! I just won't let that happen!

I was so lost in thought that when I hear a light knock at the door I jump up and scream. "Lucinda?! What's wrong?!" I hear Emmett ask me, starting to panic

I try to stay calm and pull my shirt down. I unlock the door and open it to find Emmett. "Hey sorry you just scared me." I tell him honestly

"Everything okay?" He asks me

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Mika broke his door then took off. Or did you just not notice?"

"Oh, that...we uh, we had a fight."

"About what?"


"Of course."

"I'm sure it'll be back to normal soon enough."

"Hope so."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"oh, well um, Cole's at work, wow that sounded so odd saying, anyways I'll be at my friend Johnny's, Stephen's at work and Mika's who knows where so uh, you'll just be here with Duncan."

"Okay, that's fine."

"Uh, call me if anything happens."

"I will. Bye Emmett."

What's Left Of Me Is Yours to Keep Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant