Chapter Fourteen Tragic Magic

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"Lucinda! Lucinda! Wake up!" I hear someone command me

My eyes fly open to see Mika staring back at me. His eyes filled with fear. I don't care if I'm mad at him I bury my face in his shoulder. I just start sobbing. "What happend? What's wrong?" He asks me

I can't even answer him. Too many tears. "Lucinda talk to me. What happend?" He asks me

I try to get a grip. I take deep, slow breaths and stop crying. "Lori told me everything." I tell him

He goes pale and his eyes grow wide. He gets up and closes the door, locking it. He goes to his ipod and turns it loud. 'Everything?' He thinks

"Everthing Mika! How could you keep that from me! How could you do those things! To Emmett and-and to Cole! What the hell!" I scream at him

'I'm sorry ok! How do you exactly tell the love of your life that you destroyed two innocent guys! I mean what was I suppose to say!' He thinks

"The truth!" I yell at him

'How? How do you start that conversation? "Hey babe pass the milk by the way did you know it's my fault Emmett and Cole are monsters? Shhh don't tell Emmett he never saw me"?!?!'

"Why aren't you talking?"

"I don't want Emmett to hear." He finally says

"Mika how could you do that to them?'

"I was a monster Lucinda! I told you that! I did things I can never take back and I have to live with that for the rest of my life no matter what! I have repented so many times, but the guilt still consumes me! I can't take back what I've done! I'm sorry okay! I am so sorry! I was fifteen! I made mistakes lots of them."

"I wish you had told me."

"I'm sorry. What were you dreaming about though?"

"It was too horrible."

"Tell me."

"Everyone was dead. And you killed them. But at the end you turned into Zane. As if Zane had really killed them."

"Do you see me as a monster Lucinda?"

"I-I don't know."

"Not exactly the answer I was looking for."

"I'm sorry Mika, but I don't know how to deal with this. I mean you-"

"I made mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes."

"But not this bad!"

"Look at Stephen! He bit me! How is he not a monster in your eyes? Because I deserved this?"

"No! Of course not! No one deserves this!"

"Then believe me when I say I regret what I've done and that I've changed."

I don't even know what to say. I get up and walk out of the room. I go down the stairs to see Duncan sitting down in his boxers eating cereal. I sit by him. "Good morning." He tells me

"Morning." I tell him

"You okay?"

"Yeah.....maybe.......okay no not really."

"What'd Mika do now?"

"He lied to me."

"I may not know him as well as the others, but he does seem like the type to lie a lot."

"What if his lies were just too big to get over?"

"Then you gotta decide whether you can except them or not."

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