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"I hate this!" Tom sighed loudly down the phone.

"I've been back in the country four hours, I haven't seen you in four months and I've been filming love scenes for the past few days."

There was another loud sigh. He'd arrived back this morning, hoodie pulled up, guitar on his back, exhausted and lonely and not at all ready for Christmas or anything. All he wanted to do was sleep and see Tory. To sleep with Tory. And not even in a sexual way - well not entirely. To curl next to her and feel her heartbeat. Filming had been great and new friends had been made but Tory was home.

"What are you trying to say Mr Hiddleston?" she giggled.

"I miss you, I love you and I'm as horny as hell!" he hurrumphed.

"And I'm in lock down!" she replied a sigh escaping her own lips.

"And you're in lock down - surrounded by half the world's media - like a princess in a moated castle being kept prisoner by a vicious dragon."

She sighed,


"And you're not the only one!" she added.

"Not the only what?" he asked curiously.

"Not the only one who's horny - I've missed you sooooooooo much," she said wistfully.

"How much?" he asked with that little growl in his voice which she knew meant he was up for a bit of fun. But there was only so much phone sex you could take and he was only a few kilometres away now, not filming somewhere in the US. He was home now and she wanted to be with him. Not just for the sex, not that it wasn't great sex, it was toe curlingly great sex - but she missed just being with him, reading in bed together until they fell asleep, sitting and talking, cuddling on the lounge, catching up on boxed sets and movies. They couldn't go out and so they had spent their times secreted at his flat and she missed that.

Tory loved Kate dearly but that woman needed to get a wriggle on so she could get on with her own life.

She'd seen reports on television showing people camping out around the hospital as much as they could in the winter cold, spending whole days there rugged up - waiting desperately for any sign of the new royal baby. Journalists talked about the "Great Kate Wait" taking it's toll on these poor people, on the nation. They forgot there was a family at the heart of all this. Tory and Tom should be planning their first Christmas together, they'd talked about it, she hadn't decorated her tree yet - waiting for him to be there, waiting to make Christmas goodies with him, but she was on standby to be there at the birth and to watch over George with his Grandmother when William was at the hospital. Yes they had a nanny but she'd promised him that aunty Tor Tor would make cup cakes with him for mummy.

"So you missed me a lot then, enough to sneak out?" he asked hopefully.

"More than enough for that, but I promised I'd be here if and when I was needed and knowing my luck I'd have you naked pinned to your bed and my sister-in-law would go into labor," she sighed again. They were doing a lot of sighing but it was one of those situations that called for it, it called for sighing in large doses.

She wished he could just come to her - openly as her partner. They were talking about moving in together. Him coming to Kensington palace and sharing her cottage. Maybe even moving into the palace itself. Her grandmother had offered her Diana's old apartments - a house of their own. Or maybe Harry could move there and they could have the cottage. Though the idea of having her mother's beautiful secret walled garden - somewhere to sit or grow things or for a dog or kids to gamble around in was becoming more and more attractive. Helping Mon with her wedding and Ben's recent engagement and now impending child was making her clucky or at least eager to move her life forward in a way she hadn't felt before. Not in a "RIGHT NOW" kind of way but certainly in a "I've found Mr Right and I want to more" way.

The Lost Princess (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction) Wattpad FeaturedWhere stories live. Discover now