Winter in Paris

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Emily Hiddleston poured herself a glass of scotch, it wasn't her favourite tipple but it was Tory's and she'd stocked the house with alcohol. She walked towards the big double windows of the luxurious Paris flat that was her home for the next five days – and now would apparently be her brother's too.

Not that she hadn't been expecting it. Well maybe.

They'd arrived at 10am this morning just as Tory was waking up. It wasn't like Tory to be so late; she was usually a disgustingly early riser, a total morning person. And after a month's skiing and holidaying in Europe you'd think she would be rested and ready to go.

However she emerged from her room looking tired and drawn and painfully thin. Em smiled into her drink, her mother had told her how thin Tom looked, she could only imagine how much she would fuss if and when she saw Tory. They'd already made a start but she'd have to make sure they hit plenty of French restaurants over the next few days otherwise Tory was toast.

In the lead-up to this trip Hugh had teased Em that her "Princess" best friend was obviously living the highlife and not the humble, hard-working person Em always portrayed her as if she needed a holiday in Paris to recover from her European holiday.

But that had never added up for Emily.

Tory wasn't the pampered, decadent princess that many people, including occasionally Hugh, expected her to be.

The skiing trip with her twin brother had never really rung true. The press had not taken any pictures of the pair and there had been no reports of Harry shenanigans. And it was rare that Harry and holidays didn't bring some sort of press – add in ski bunnies and alcohol and it would be almost impossible that something hadn't leaked to someone. Plus Tory wasn't usually one for too many ski trips.

Meeting in Paris had also been an odd choice.

Tory hated Paris, well not really, but it would never be her first choice for a holiday – it was the city that took her mother from her. This had to have been Paul's choice and probably a thank you present from Tory to him and his girlfriend for the past month of separation. She'd always had a sneaking suspicion she knew where Tory and, for that matter, Harry really were.

But the moment she caught sight of Tory she knew. She'd seen that look in her eyes before, kind of haunted, kind of satisfied and totally exhausted. She wasn't hurt that her best friend hadn't told her, she knew she had her reasons and Em was glad not to know – she was always crap with secrets. While Tom kept himself to himself, Em and Hannah were too much like their mother – over-sharing to the max. Though she figured her mother had got better at secret keeping over the years after living with both Tom and Tory.

"How was Africa?" she'd almost whispered in Tory's ear as the two hugged. She felt her friend smile against her cheek.

"Sorry I couldn't tell, I hate keeping secrets from you but I was sure you'd guess," she finished and Em nodded as Hugh came in to kiss her cheek in greeting. Em had given him a smug look which he didn't quite understand, she looked at Tory who smiled and nodded. They had been friends since they were eight and had a short-hand that was usually reserved for siblings. She supposed the two of them kind of were now. Tory had been as much a part of her life as her real sister – probably more.

"So where in Africa were you this time," Em asked a little louder with a "cat got the cream" look on her face. Hugh's eyes widened in surprise before he shook his head ruefully. He'd been put in his place for believing gossip and tabloids – again and he knew it. Em's Tory was nothing like the "Princess Victoria" that the press liked to speculate over – sure she was serious and dedicated but she was also hilariously funny, self deprecating and fiercely loyal.

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