Dr Tory's Day Off

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"DR Tory's grand day out!" Em laughed grabbing on to her friends arm as she slid into the back of the car taking them to Wimbledon.

"It does feel a bit like playing hooky from school – Em and Tory sneaking away from their studies – what will the head say?" she laughed.

"You know she was always a bit of a tennis fan – she'll probably be there!" Em countered.

"Oh god I don't know what I'd do if I saw her! Even after all this time I think I'd freeze and wait for her to hand out detention for a misdemeanour – like being out uniform – oh god I'm out of uniform!"

"You never got detention; you were too much of a goody two shoes!" Em laughed.

"Yes but I always felt like I deserved it and I'm hardly dressed for school today," Tory said giggling with her friend.

It felt good to be out with Em for a change, just the two of them – just like old times. They never did this anymore and Tory missed it. In fact in all of the years of their friendship Tory and Em had never been to the tennis together – well not Wimbledon. They'd always meant to and it's not as if Tory couldn't get them tickets. But while she'd been in the Royal box with William and Harry or her dad once or twice she'd never taken any friends. She felt slightly guilty that they were finally doing it and it had been prompted by Tory wanting to spend more time with Tom not Em.

"I'm sorry we haven't done this before!" she said smiling at her best friend. Em smiled back and grabbed on to her friend's arm a little more excitedly.

"It's okay – we've both been so busy being grown-ups that we haven't had a chance to be teenagers again.

"It's been just as much my fault as yours what with work and Hugh."

Guilt flittered across Tory's face like a scarlet butterfly and Em smiled a wry smile – she knew her friend well. As London flashed by outside the window she squeezed her arm again.

"And don't you go feeling guilty because you think your using me to spend time with my big brother either. I know how hard it is for you two to be together. I'm happy to help – it's about time he had a girlfriend I approve of and don't "have to like"!" She said emphasising the "have to like" with her fingers.

"You approve of me?" Tory asked with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky grin.

"Bloody hell Tor of course – remember when we use to wish we were sisters?? If you and my idiot brother actually managed not to stuff things up – we might actually get to do that! Be sisters, yummy mummies, raise our snotty little brats together as snotty little cousins.

"Oh god could you imagine mum if that happened?" she giggled.

"And if we don't?" Tory asked nervously suddenly feeling trepidatious yet again about being in a relationship with Em's brother – not Tom Hiddleston actor – Shirley, Tommy, Em's "dorky" older brother, Diana's son.

"What happens if we don't pursue this, if we can't make it work?"

Em looked at her friend, she knew that look. What happened at her mum's had really rattled Tory and from the small conversations she'd had with Tom since then, it had done the same to her big brother. They were both gun-shy about relationships anyway and she didn't want to add to the pressure they were inevitably going to put on themselves and each other– intense, deep thinking creatures that they both were. She sighed overly loudly and smiled at Tory again.

"Well in that case I'll help you make the voodoo doll of him!!"

Tory didn't giggle like she normally would and so Em pushed the matter further asking what was really worrying her.

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