Into Temptation

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A song ran through his head as she walked across the floor of her room.

You could tell this was her room.

A rich blue patch-work duvet cover spread across the queen-sized bed - a mix of velvets and tartan. The furniture was antique and beautiful without being overly ornate but well-framed movie posters adorned one of the walls - from The Three Colours trilogy.

The other give-away was his missing bags.

It was obvious he'd been given the green light to spent the night with her, well either that or they'd run out of rooms and he doubted that was the case. Kate and William weren't staying the night - travelling back to their own nearby house an hour or so ago. Being five months pregnant made Kate exempt to the "granny retires first rule" it was a handy get-out clause = one he couldn't employ with Tory, without facing being frog-marched down the aisle.

At the moment chance would be a fine thing.

They'd seen each other sparingly over the past four months and they had almost another four before they could be together. He planned to take full advantage of the month he had at home at Christmas particularly now she'd agreed to move in with him.

But right now, Christmas was a long way away. And she wasn't. For a change.

Right now she was standing in front of him, kissing him, undoing his buttons. His suit coat had hit the floor and his shirt would be next.

The song drifted through his head again.

"I opened up my door," he sang quietly.

"Couldn't believe my luck. You in your new blue dress, taking away my breath."

His shirt joined his coat on the floor.

His tie stayed.

She brushed the soft velvet against his chest, against his nipples and he sighed.

And then her hands went round his neck and her lips touched his, gentle like the caress of the velvet on his torso, gentle like her fingers ghosting through his hair down his cheek, gentle like his hands running down the velvet of her body.

"You look exquisite, it's a shame to take you out of this dress," he whispered on her lips.

"I could keep it on," she breathed as his fingers grabbed the zipper and ghosted down, down her back until it gaped open and he could run his hands under the silky skin under the velvet covering.

Her dress lay on the floor and his pants and shoes were shucked.

She stood there in her slinky blue underwear.

"I didn't think you knew I was coming?" he said running his lips over her shoulders, his hands down her body.

"I didn't but they go well with this dress," she moaned as his tongue joined his lips.

"And I thought I might get lucky with one of the footmen."

His fingers ghosted the lace of her bra, watching little brown mountains rise under his touch.

"Oh darling you are about to get very very lucky," he said suddenly reaching down. She squealed as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Very very very lucky Tory Beth, lucky until you can't walk straight in the morning," he growled striding to the bed and throwing her on.

She shimmied up the velvet cover as he prowled round the bed and down to the foot, shucking his boxers and spreading her legs as he crawled up, kissing every part he could get his lips on until his lips met her apex and she met heaven pretty quickly. And then he continued his journey until his mouth was on her nipples through her bra and then her neck and lips. And there as his tongue found the warm moisture of her mouth a lower appendage found it's way home, stroking her to oblivion. Moving within her like he never wanted to leave her again. Like he would never leave her again. Marking her as his as her long blue fingernails raked down the silk of his back, claiming him in return, her legs pinning him to her, her second hand combing through his hair until he lost all control and he rode her into the mattress hard and deep. She screamed his name like she never wanted to forget it.

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