Out of the Closet

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She cracked open and eye and looked out at the world around her. It was white –too white.

She was trying to remember last night and where she was now.

Emily and Hugh's place.


She opened her eyes again.

The room seemed to move.

Spinning spare-room.

She reached beside her.

There was no-one there. She was alone in the spare-room. She wondered where Tom was.

"Margot?" came a soft voice at the door.

"Are you awake? It's 11am I thought you might like some fresh fruit and a cup of tea, we're having some out here – you can come out or I'll bring something in," Emily said quietly.

"I'll come out," she said gently. Gentle was still enough to hurt her head as she tried to remember what happened.

Tom's party!

How much wine had she had? Her mouth felt like someone had sand papered it down and drained out all the liquid. The room spun again.

She hadn't intended to spend the night in her cousin's spare-room – she had other plans for last night, but she was beginning to think she was the only one that did. She wondered if this was really such a good idea. Tom had been a great distraction but the real problem was still there, she was in love her best friend's boyfriend and it wasn't going to change. And the more she threw herself at Tom, the more she threw herself into turning this from a "friends with benefits" pity party into a real relationship the more he ran in the other direction.

She'd figured she had to try, her best friend Liz, deserved that much. A phone buzzed – she looked over the side of the bed – her head swam - someone had put her bag there. She fished her phone out – not Tom – David – shit. They'd kissed on Christmas Eve – she'd told him no – told him about Tom, that they were serious, told Tom on the phone in front of him that they should go on holidays. She'd even excitedly booked the trip to Cancun with her friend's help and David in the room. And still he messaged. Her life was a mess.

Margot padded to the bathroom and made herself respectable – well as much as she could. She had the worst panda eyes imaginable and her hair looked like a bird's nest – a total waste given the money she spent on it. She never went anywhere without makeup but it wouldn't have to matter this morning.

When she emerged into the main room feeling like a vampire as the bright light burned her retinas to a crisp. She was greeted by people who looked only a little better off than she was. It was a scene out of a Zombie movie she was sure.

Emily was cooking food in the kitchen and Hugh was helping, Benedict Cumberbatch was holding his head and gently sipping coffee like it hurt to do so. She'd got drunk with Mr Cumberbatch – she remembered that much. In fact every time she turned around he'd been there with a bottle of wine. She was glad he looked as bad as she felt. There were two others at the table – friends of Tom's or Emily's but she didn't quite remember their names.

Tom was nowhere to be seen.

"So where's the birthday boy?" she asked slowly.

"He went home at about 2am with Matt and Marc – They're house sitting for him while he's out of the country so they all left together. He had some things to do this morning before he leaves tomorrow for North America but he'll be back soon for food," Em said putting out a big stack of pancakes onto the platter in middle of the table. Em sighed, her brother's love life went from uneventful to total chaos pretty quickly this time. While Tom made the excuse of feeling unwell and Tory had been "grabbing her jacket and purse and freshening up in case she was papped leaving", most of the group knew enough to know there was more to their 10 minute plus disappearance.

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